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After their guests had left, the couple cleaned up the chairs from their garden and went up to their bedroom. Hongjoong was still a little tipsy, so Seonghwa dragged him into the bathroom for a little sobering bath.

"Don't be whiny, just take it off" the older asked a little annoyed. Hongjoong didn't make any attempts to follow his husband's orders, so Seonghwa took it in his own hands. More or less forcefully, the older took off the clothes that were heavily smelling like smoke and alcohol.

Halfway through, the younger gave up in protesting and took off his clothes by himself, pouting like an upset child. He sat into the tub and let Seonghwa wash him up. He didn't say a thing the whole time, kept silent as he felt a little bit of betrayal.

"Are you mad at me?" Seonghwa softly asked and massaged the shampoo in the younger hair.


"Is it because of Chaewon?"

"nO" Hongjoong gave back and leaned forward, so his husband couldn't reach his hair. He wanted to do it himself. "the whole time I thought we were each other's first in everything... Ouch"

Seonghwa sighed "Aw, love... It's true she was my first love, I won't deny that. You're my last. We got married, have a big family, we're happy, aren't we? It doesn't matter what happened" he said and rested his hands on Hongjoong's shoulders to pull him back. He let his thumbs circle on the wet skin first and then bent down to hug his back.

"You're getting wet too..." the younger mumbled softly, fully enjoyed his treatment.

"Mhm... I don't care" Seonghwa replied with a quiet chuckle. "Don't be mad at me~ I love you" he said and moved his hands back in Hongjoong's hair. "And you're doing it wrong-"

"Ouch-" Hongjoong yelped when Seonghwa scrubbed his head hard as if he was deep cleaning the roots of his hair. "Ah- no-"

"Hm? You said something?" the older asked and rinsed out the shampoo just to do another round. "You're not going to bed smelling like that- uh-uh"

"But you're so harsh-"

"you'll get a kiss if you stop complaining"

"You think that's how to lure me in?-"


"Yeah that's exactly how to lure me in"


The days passed lazily, everyone had to get used to not have any schedule. After having an intense schedule just before summer break, it felt so weird to not have anything to do.

"Sangie~" San poked his twin's cheek as he was reading a book. "Sangie I'm bored~"

"Not my problem" Yeosang gave back and turned his back to San. He had bought a book with his father the other day. It was quite interesting and easy to read.

"But Sangie~" San climbed onto the bed and snuggled into the others back. "I want to read too!" he said and tried to catch a glimpse of the pages. Yeosang on the other hand wasn't having any of San's clingyness and just kicked him off his bed. "Ouch... Mhm, doesn't stop me though" he stood up again and climbed the bed again, attacking his twin. "You never do something with me~ you always shove me to Wooyoungie~"

"Bacause you're so annoying-" Yeosang choked out as his brother was knocking out the air in his lungs. "get- off-"

"Uh-uh! Only if you let me read with you!" San insisted and clinged onto the other just more.

"Fine! Fine" Yeosang sighed and breathed in as soon as the other was down. "Here, you sit there and I sit here. Don't talk" he ordered.

San sat next to his brother and Yeosang held the book in the middle of them both, so San could see the pages. Though, he couldn't see well, he was smiling all over his face. He loved taunting the other.

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