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"San, baby come back you need sunscreen!" Seonghwa yelled at his son, who was screaming and sprinting towards the sea.

On their way back the kids insisted, more like begged, to  visit the beach. So, the parents had spontaneously decided to do so and rented a big bungalow at the beach. They wouldn't stay long, just about four to five days. It was a public beach; if they had bad luck, they wouldn't be able to enjoy it anyway.

"San you're going to get sun burned, please come here!" Seonghwa tried but the boy had already reached the water.

"I'm going to get him!" Mingi volunteered and stood up to bring San back.

"Just let him be, look how excited he is" Hongjoong commented while putting on sunscreen on Yeosang.

"So I can listen to him crying over a sunburn for days? Nah-ah"

Mingi had brought San back, carrying him on his back. "Look how strong I am!"

"You're not strong, San is just a lightweight" Yunho stood up from is spot, skin shining white due to the sunscreen. "Everyone can pick up San" he said and the next moment San was picked up by him.

"Okay can we stop lifting San?" Seonghwa asked, putting sunscreen on his hands to apply it all over the small boy. When Yunho finally let him down, San was 'attacked' by his father's creamy hands. He didn't like the consistency of sunscreen, it made him feel like a snail. "Now wait a little, then you can go"

Meanwhile, Jongho and Wooyoung were unbotheredly playing with the damp sand. Well, Wooyoung was building towers and Jongho kicked them down, that was the game.

Seonghwa laid down next to Hongjoong, putting on his sunglasses and enjoying the sun. Hongjoong on the other hand was hiding under the parasol and three layers of sunscreen. "You look like a ghost already, a little tan wouldn't do no bad"

Hongjoong sighed. "As if I have a big choice in that" he said glancing at Seonghwa. "You look so sassy in these glasses"

"That's because I am indeed a bad bitch"


"Daddy please!" the kids begged in union.

"Yes, come on, Joong. We're at the beach maybe once a year. You can't just lay there and not go into the water"

Hongjoong sighed. Ah, he couldn't say no now, could he? Head shaking, he rose from his place agreed. Yunho and Mingi grabbed both his hands, dragging him to the water.

Seonghwa had Jongho on his one hip, he had on a little life jacket and water wings, the baby could barely move his arms up and down. Wooyoung was holding his other hand, arms puffed up because of the water wings. In the water, Mingi was clinging onto Hongjoong's back, waiting for his Papa to join them. Yunho had learnt to swim already, while San and Yeosang were still learning but they never left the area where they could stand. "Papa! Come on you're so slow" Yunho yelled. Wooyoung let go of his father's hand and skipped to the water, clinging to Yunho. The older let his younger brother climb on his back, occasionally dipped him into the water.

When Seonghwa was deep enough that the water touched Jongho's little feet, the baby squeaked and climbed further up his father's shoulder. Seonghwa giggled. "Ah, too cold?" It took about ten minutes for Jongho to get used to the cold water and after that, you couldn't take him out anymore. Seonghwa didn't want to leave him alone with the boys either. Did he mind staying in the water a little longer? No, not at all. He could see his family having fun and laughing from up close. He didn't mind at all. The sight of Hongjoong playing with the boys so freely made him happy. His husband was rather calm and silent and acting shy outside, he did fear someone could misinterpret his behavior but right now he seemed so careless. Picking up the boys and throwing them back in the water was so simple but made them oh so happy.

Yeosang wasn't a fan of hectic and loud games, which is why he clung to Seonghwa's waist and just watched his brothers being thrown in the water. "They are so loud"

"They're having fun their way" Seonghwa responded, bringing Yeosang in front of him. "But they are being quite loud, yes" he chuckled.

"How long will Daddy stay at home?" Yeosang then asked out of the blue. The little boy didn't look at him, his eyes were on Jongho and how he was about to figure out how to move backwards.

"I don't know, sweetie. A couple months for sure. Why are you asking? Aren't you happy that he's here?"

"Mhm" he hummed. "I'm happy that we can go on vacation and have fun together. But sometimes I think he misses something..." Yeosang said, still not facing his father.

Seonghwa pulled his boy into a hug, pressing a kiss on his forehead. "Don't think about such things, baby. Daddy loves his work but he loves us more" he assured. "Daddy is sure happy here, with us all. Don't think that, okay?"

Yeosang looked up at his father, giving him a small smile. "okay" he replied. When they looked back at the rest of their family, they just let a laugh slip. Now, everyone was trying to drown Hongjoong. "Ah! Wait for me!" Yeosang shouted, hopping back to his brothers to take a part in drowning their father. Hongjoong was playing the role of the defeated one pretty well.

"Ah, Jongho? You figured out yet how to move backwards?" Seonghwa chuckled as he watched Jongho kick the water over and over again. "Don't kick, more like, paddle. Like this" he took the baby's little feet and demonstrated the motions. Jongho did as he was shown, copying what his father did. "Yes and now faster, baby"

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