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"No 'but's from anyone! What you did was dangerous and I don't want you to do something like that again"

"You're all together grounded" Hongjoong and Seonghwa decided. The boys sitting at the breakfast table groaned.


"Especially you little devil! Tricked me into getting your Bunbun" Hongjoong cut Jongho off, giving him disappointed looks. Meanwhile, Seonghwa had to stifle a laugh from across the table. The fact that they had gotten Hongjoong in the trap was just hilarious to him. "Don't laugh, I thought he was about to cry if i didn't bring him his bunny" Hongjoong pouted at his husband's miserable attempts to hold back his laugh. 

"I'm not laughing, I'm not laughing!" he defended himself and turned himself back to his breakfast. When he looked at the full plate infront of him, he thought twice about eating it all. From earlier he still had the taste of vomit in his mouth, so looking at food now was everything but appetizing for him. So he slowly gave out what was on his plate, eating not even the half of it by himself. 

Yeosang was feeling way better, now and then he had a runny nose but he could participate in all activities again. Not that they would do any this weekend as the boys were grounded for their actions from last night. They didn't mind, not at all. They had brought their parents together to talk and the atmosphere was notable better now, so it was actually worth it. Well, one thought would torture them, and that was the fact that they knew there was a strawberry cheesecake in the fridge, they had to wait for the next week to get a bit now. If Hongjoong didn't get his fingers on it first, of course. 

After breakfast, the kids helped their parents clean up the table before they were gone again to get themselves busy. It was getting cold, so their garden wasn't an option, going upstairs with Jongho wasn't allowed but they didn't want to ditch him too. So, the only thing left was the living room and Jongho's play corner. 

Meanwhile, Hongjoong had stayed back to help clean up the kitchen. He had an eye on Seonghwa, something just didn't fit with him and he would gladly like to know what. While his husband was filling the dishwasher, he put away the freshly washed cups and plates from last night. "Are you okay? You seemed so appetiteless while eating" he marked by the way. He had seen that Seonghwa hadn't eaten well this morning but he didn't want to push him into telling. Not right after last night. 

"Ah? No, I'm actually so full today" he replied  waving it off. Seonghwa closed the dishwasher and helped Hongjoong. "Why are you asking anyway?"

Hongjoong was taken back by his response, his brows knitt. "Uhm, I just noticed that you didn't eat as much as usual... Can't I care about you?" he gave back irritated. Seonghwa stopped in his tracks of lifting a couple plates in the cupboard. It seemed like he was thinking. "You would tell me, if something wasn't right, ah?"

"Of course" he replied, continuing his task "Everything is fine, why are you so stubborn?" 

"Just... Nothing. Just checking" he answered and proceeded in helping put away all the dishes. 


As the new week started everything slowly got into its place again. Kind of. Seonghwa still slept in a little longer but his additute had become a lot softer. Now, he would just sometimes snapp out of nowhere and everything was fine after five minutes, a coffee and a piece of cheesecake. 

Little noises woke the man up at a unholy time. A little glance at the clock told Hongjoong that it was little past 3am. His hands reached next to himself to where Seonghwa was laying, well, should be laying. When his hands didn't grab anything, he jumped out of the bed alarmed. The bedroom door was a split open, there was no light but noice coming through. He checked the crib on the other side of the bed, Jongho was still there, drooling all over himself and his plushie. So, Hongjoong made his way out of the room, following the noise. 

Oh hell yeah he was scared. There was no light lit dowstaris but quiet footsteps were walking around. Before walking down, Hongjoong looked to his right where the bathroom was. Light broke through from under the door, Seonghwa was probably using the bathroom outside of their bedroom to not wake him and Jongho. Hongjoong's heart fell, he went cold at that exact moment. There was someone in his house. 

Internally praying, he slowly walked down the stairs, step by step and as quiet as possible. Without realizing, he held his breath, he didn't even dare to blink. The noises were coming from the kitchen, fade light graced the floor just right before. So, with quiet steps Hongjoong approached the kitchen, grabbing a vase on his way. He was a small man, the chances of a thief being smaller than him and unarmed were pretty close to zero. Just two steps were between him and the intruder. Slowly he lifted his armed arm, ready to bash whatever was behind that corner. 

And there it was.

A face, glowing in dim candlelight.

Seonghwa's face, glowing in dim candlelight

"Holy shit. Fuck. Oh my god. I- thank god, holy fuck I thought- wait, what the actual fuck, Seonghwa!"

"Watch your mouth! You have so bad language!"

Hongjoong just stared at Seonghwa, not being able to process what just happened. "For god's sake, just turn on the damn light" he breathed out. "I- I need to sit down for a minute..." he slid down the wall setting the vase which he was about to break on his husband's head, next to him. Seonghwa sat down on the floor too, holding his burned down candle in both hands. "Why... Why?"

"I forgot to put it out before going to sleep... then I just took it instead of turning on the light. I don't know why exactly" Seonghwa explained, giving his best innocent grin. "I want ice cream. I searched everywhere but we don't have any~" he pouted "Can... Can you get some for the 24h store? Pleasee~"

Hongjoong looked at his husband with unbelieving eyes. He felt like crying and laughing. And a little voice told him, he could still bash that vase on his head. 
"You're going to be the end of mine"


"Okay that's it. Go change, were going to the hospital"

"Wha- Why? I'm fine!"

"You're obviously not fine, Hwa. And even if, then we have a check up"

"And the kids?"

"My mom is going to arrive any minute. Here, put this on"


"No excuses, we're going"


Hey! How are you doing?

Ah... mother-in-law ~.^'

istg, i've been dealing with the help center the whole night and it still doesn't function. They sent me a 'ticket' and i didn't even understand tf they tried to tell me xD and that's on my bad english ... for my defence, it didn't make no sense fr ^^'

well, let's hope it will go away by itself at some point because i love replying to your comments >.<

Pray for me y'all, I have to wake up at 7am and get ready -.- I teach a 5th grader and his mom called me in for tomorrow morning... Well let's see how that's gonna go with 4 hours of sleep >.<'


Please stay healthy and safe!


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