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"I am really thankful that you two would do this for us! I don't even know how I can pay you back for this!"

"Ah, Seonghwa, we don't mind at all! No, really. Don't worry about that"

Seonghwa again initiated a grateful bow, but Seungcheol held the younger hand, stopping him from bowing again. Instead, he shook his hand, smiling warmly at him. "We really don't mind. I am actually thankful that our boys have found friends outside of their siblings. They normally stay in their zone alone, i am happy that Yunho, San and Yeosang are so close to them. It's fine" the older assured. "Now come inside already!"

Seonghwa set foot into the big house. It was big. Really big. He was the one complaining that their own residence was too big and that cleaning it was torture, now seeing the house of the Choi family made his jaw fall. At least three maids had to help him clean all that room. Thirteen people were living here after all, and as a parent Seonghwa could imagine that even all this room wasn't enough.

"I think the kids ran off to the backyard" Seungcheol said as he lead the other through the spacy house to the living room, where the coffee table was set up already with tea and little biscuits. Just a second later Jeonghan entered behind them, greeting Seonghwa with open arms.

"Ah, you finally made it inside!" he laughed, welcoming his guest with a light hug. "Ah, your suit is ready, I laid it out on the bed" he then said, turning to his husband.

"Ah, that's my cue then" Seungcheol pressed a kiss on Jeonghan's cheek and waved at Seonghwa. "Hopefully we can see each other again, with Hongjoong then! See you soon, Seonghwa!" he bid his goodbyes and turned to the hall again, dissappearing into the corridor.

"Ah! Don't just stand there! Here, sit down and give me that" Jeonghan pointed at the little present in Seonghwa's hands. The younger had bought a box of pralines. Seonghwa felt a little off place but thankfully warmed up fast. "Where did you know I liked these most?" the older inspected the box.

"Looks like I had a good guess" Seonghwa replied, smiling wide. He was relieved that he liked the brand he had chosen. Finally, when Jeonghan sat down too, the two build a loose conversation. They mostly talked about the upcoming event.

In a couple weeks the high school Seonghwa and Hongjoong graduated from would hold a reunion, marking ten years of graduation. On that Friday night the couple wanted to ask Yonghwan to watch over the kids for a couple hours, but unfortunately the producer was booked for the whole weekend. Now, they had decided that maybe they didn't have to go there, even if both were a little curious what their other classmates had done within ten years. Destiny was on their side, so by fortune, Seonghwa had met Jeonghan while shopping and while they had a little small talk, the event slipped out of  his mouth. When he told the older friend that they had decided to not go as he didn't trust babysitters he didn't know and their usual one was busy, Jeonghan had offered to take the Kim children for the day. Of course he had to convince Seonghwa that it was completely okay and he would love to give the couple a little alone time for a event.

"I am deeply grateful for your offer!" Seonghwa thanked again.

"Ah, don't do that. It's nothing, really. I'm glad our kids get along so well. I'm sure Seungcheol already mentioned that our boys tend to stay by themselves and rarely make good friends with other children. I'm happy that it clicked like that with Yunho and the twins!" Jeonghan responded, waving away Seonghwa. "And judging by the fact that the younger ones don't stick on you right now I dare to assume they get along together pretty well too. So don't worry, it's fine" he added, assuring.


Jihoon, hearing loud laughter from the room next to his, got a little curious. He rose from his bed and made his way to his younger brothers' room. Wonwoo, who was sitting at his PC playing his favorite video game, saw his twin leave from the corner of his eye, which got his attention. It wasn't time for dinner yet, he was curious. So, he took of his headphones, now hearing the noises too.

"Are they fighting?" Wonwoo asked

"I don't know... Could be" his twin replied, listening to something rather heavy fall down. "Should we check?" unsure he starring at the door. By listening a little longer, they could make our a couple voiced they didn't know.

"We have guests? I didn't know"

"Why are you two standing there like that? That hard to believe that they have friends outside us, ah?" Jun joked as he passed his younger brothers. "It's the kids from their school. The ones we met at the airport once"

"Oh my- Does that mean-"

"Yeah. Their father is downstairs with dad. Jihoon, maybe you could ask if they would do you a favor and listen in to your CD?" Jun suggested, continuing his way.

"Oh, yes! Think about it! That's your chance to get a professional opinion!" Wonwoo cheered, shaking his twin out of his trance. "Don't let that's slip. Or-or I'm going to do it!"

"No!" Jihoon said "No... I can do that myself!" he insisted. For a long time now he was working on music with the things he had access to. Since he was young he had a lot of interest in music and making music. So, when he had free time he spent it with creating music, writing lyrics and composing. Until now he only let his brothers listen to what he had accomplished until now. His family had tried to convince him to send his recordings to companies, to try out auditions, but he was quite too shy for that. "I will think about it... I guess"

Hey! How are you guys doing?

Ahhh sad hidden kard times yall
JSeph just left for military and I'm just--

Well this depends on what day I will publish this tho-

So school is killing me slowly like, one month in and I am dead tired and ready for vacation-💀


Please stay healthy and safe!


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