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Seonghwa shrugged his shoulders. "Papa has stage fright, baby" he said sighing. Was singing still a topic for him? He had never thought about it again after having kids. And he was happy with things and how he tehy were now. So he had never spent a lot of thought into it. Of course he loved singing, but he had chosen to be kindergarten teacher, he loved to interact with children, to teach them. "Not everyone is brave enough to be a singer" he then said and pressed a little peck on the side of Hongjoong's face. "and that's why Daddy is so strong"

"But Dad it so short-" Yunho giggled.

"Yah! Young man! Strength doesn't have anything to do with hight!" Hongjoong replied offended. But his kids just ran off laughing. "The disrespect..."

Seonghwa shook his head amused. "they're kids... But where they wrong though?"

"Shut your 5'10 mouth-"


Seonghwa patiently waited for his oldest kids to leave the school building. The week had started quite calmly for the kids but soon their test phase would begin again as the school years was slowly coming to an end. He couldn't believe that it went by so fast already. So much had happened though.

"Papa!" he heard San scream as he came running out of the gates, Yunho and Yeosang following far behind. San hugged his father's upper leg. "Papa I need to show you something!" he said excited. He was about to unpack his bag pack.

"Oh, baby how about we go home first? And you tell me kn the way?"

San thought a second about it. He didn't want to wait any longer actually, but the ride home wasn't too long though. "Okay! But you have to listen closely!" the younger twin agreed and hopped into the car.

Finally Yeosang and Yunho made it to the car too. "He as been talking about it all day..." Yeosang complained as he got in second and then lastly Yunho.

On the ride San told his father about a man that had visited their school to introduce them to different types of sports like football, basketball or taekwondo and all the other clubs like art and music. He even had given them flyers about the sport clubs around the school's area. While San was not shutting up for a second, Seonghwa could see Yeosang losing his mind and pressing his ears closed. The boy was listening to his twin non-stop talking the whole day.

"Papa, can I please, please, please go there?" San begged as they entered their home. He pulled out the flyer and gave it to his father. "It looks so cool please, please, please"

Seonghwa read over the paper. It was the add for the taekwondo club behind the school San was attending right now. It was for younger groups, five to ten years old and began right after school. It didn't sound like a bad idea at all. "Of course, Sannie. If you would like to do that we can sign you up, why not?"

"Really?" the boy's eyes glowed as he celebrated his win. "You're the best!"

Seeing his son so excited for something so little, spread a so warm and soothing feeling in the parent's chest. He lovingly ruffled his hair. "And you two? Don't you want to start a hobby?" he asked his other school kids.

"Chan is going to this dancing club with his brothers... I don't know, maybe I would like to try that out?" Yunho shrugged his shoulders, fishing out another flyer. Seonghwa took it, reading it fast. "He invited me to try it and his teacher said I could come to watch and then decide if I like to sign in"

"That's great honey! Oh, that's so sweet of Chan to do" the father replied, pinning the flyers to the refrigerator. "And you, Yeosang ? Is there nothing you would be interested in?"

"We could go to taekwondo together, Sangie !"

"Or you can come with me and Chan, if you want to"

Yeosang looked between his brothers. Both hobbies sounded interesting for him but he couldn't to both, they were on the same day. So, he shook his head. "No, I don't want to" he simply responded, leaving the group with the excuse to do his homework. He really did want to try out any hobby, but unfortunately he didn't like doing something alone. He was quite shy with people he didn't know and often got overshadowed. Sighing, the boy sat down at his desk, unpacking his mountain of homework. Oh how well he could remember making fun of Yunho when he was still in kindergarten. While setting his book on the table a paper fell out, he bent to pick it up.

It was a flyer for the music club. They taught many different instruments and had singing courses. Yeosang wasn't fast at reading yet, but he tried his best. So, he found out that they did one-by-one lessons, meaning there would be only the teacher and him during the lessons. He looked at the different pictures of instruments, some he already knew as his father had them in his office. That one in the right corner was a piano, the one right under it a guitar, next to it was a microphone symbolizing the singing lessons and three other instruments he didn't know yet. One caught his eye and it looked like a fancy guitar with way darker wood and it looked much bigger.

Maybe he did want to try out a hobby.


Hongjoong sighed as he locked open the door to his house. It was already past 2 am. He felt bad for so many things. He had missed movie-Friday with his family, couldn't record at the studios because someone seemed to be too broke to get a professional to repair the technical issues and his body was dead tired from dance practice. Yongsun was a woman who had an iron fist and didn't hesitate to use it.

Stepping in, he had expected total darkness but instead the smell of food and light from the kitchen greeted him. "Why are you still up?" he asked Seonghwa who was standing in the kitchen preparing fresh food for his husband.

"Couldn't sleep" he simply answered and got out plate and silverware. "Yongsun texted me that she felt bad for the hard practice today and let's say she... Indirectly told me you could need a good meal" he added as he set up the table for his husband. "Come on, go shower food's done in ten minutes"

Hongjoong didn't have to get told twice, he bolted up the stairs right after he pressed a thankful kiss on Seonghwa's cheek. At times he wondered what he must have done in his past life to deserve this one?

While Hongjoong was showering, Seonghwa texted Yongsun a little message that he had come home and looked grateful to see the warm meal. Over the years, Hongjoong's team hadn't changes at all, so Seonghwa had a mutual relationship with them too. They saw each other occasionally and had gotten close over the years. Meaning that Seonghwa knew more or less everyone working with Hongjoong in close relation personally. And it came in handy every now and then.

"Ah, you're literally an angel send from heaves" Hongjoong purred as he came down the stairs with damp hair and pajamas. "You're the best" he pressed a proper kiss on his husband lips before digging in.

"How was work?" Seonghwa asked as he sat down next to Hongjoong with a glass of water in his hand.

"Not worth missing movie night" he replied rolling his eyes. "the whole building shut down, technical issues and it took hours to get someone to look after it. I couldn't record everything, I need to do that before sleeping..." he sighed, looking at Seonghwa apologeticly. After that he ate in silence and his husband drank his glass of water. It was quite late but he had to finish recording that. Then, an idea bloomed in his mind. He needed to record the demo, it didn't have to be perfect for now.

"You want to do the demo for me?"

Hey! How you doing?

Four more days to go😃👍

So after a day of school with the new rules because of Corona, I can say, Germany get yo shit together.

I'm really curious how this is going to end.

We're allowed to bring blankets to school because it's cold and my immigrant ass is going to rock that big ass flower blanket every foreign grandma has😗✌️

So... I have an appointment with my doctor to talk about my mental health uhm I don't know how to feel about that but thanks mom, I wasn't prepared nor ready to ask her that thank you for kinda forcing me😃

So yeah, let's see how that is going to develop

Ahh anyways

Please stay healthy and safe


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