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"tsk, my boys are the most handsome" Seonghwa praised as he looked at his sons; all ready and dressed up in formal attire.

"Mhm, look at my beautiful genes" Hongjoong chuckled as he came down the stairs. He fixed his tie a last time and stood next to his husband, pressed a kiss on his cheek.

"Your genes? Judging by my babies' long legs I dare to differ-" Seonghwa gave back and looked down to the younger. "Look at these perfect noses Hongjoong. Definitely mine"

"Can't they just go with the fact that I'm fabulous no matter who's genes?" Mingi flipped his short hair over this shoulder.

"Exactly, we're smokin hot anyway" Yunho laughed and went to get his coat. "Come on, it's already seven, we're going to be late!" he called loud enough for his bickering parents to hear. He already knew that it would be a long night.


"This looks so pretty~"

"And expensive," Wooyoung added and grabbed his younger brother by his hand, as if he was fearing Jongho could get lost. In fact, this was nearly impossible as they knew the building as well as their own home.

Since ever, Hongjoong took the kids with him to work when there was noone at home. And they may or may have not started playing hide and seek inside the building, forcing Hongjoong to search for them. Now, that the building more or less was 'theirs' they were allowed to walk around freely.

The clock hit eight when the family set foot into the grand atrium; the core of the building. And also the location they usually held little festivities.

All eyes went to them, and the quiet chatter stopped for that moment. Hongjoong took that free moment to appreciate what he had build in the past years.

For the most of his life, the universe hadn't been the nicest to him and there he was now. He had accomplished his dreams and more, and there were still things to come.

Seonghwa looked over to Yunho and gestured him to take his brother's to the table that they usually sat at. They would be busy with greeting everyone now, and he wasn't a fan of having to introduce his kids to everyone here. They didn't need to know. Seeing was okay. More information was too much for his liking. And thankfully, Yunho understood what his father's looks meant, so he guided the younger's to the back, the luxuriously decorated large table.

"Oh, look, the stinky hag is here too-" Wooyoung marked as he walked to their table.

"Psssht! Don't say that out loud here!" San scolded and held his mouth. "We can talk about it when we're at home"

Mingi tsked. "The girls in my class would say 'we're going to spill the tea later' and I think that sounds beautiful"

Yeosang stifled a chuckle. He felt the looks already on them, it tensed his still so tiny body. He grew up seeing his father and learning how important your reputation was, and he learned how cruel the people were. Whenever they were at these gatherings, he couldn't but panic slightly. He didn't want to embarrass his parents, they had given him too much that he could even dare to think about that. But the more the thought of accidentally doing something wrong haunted his mind, the more his hands shook.
He felt a large hand lay on his shoulder; Yunho was holding him to his side.

"It's all fine," he whispered and smiled at him. Usually, they got told that Yeosang was the observant one of the siblings. He was though. He watched closely before he tried it himself, he listened closely before he talked. Yeosang saw everything, understood and just kept it in. But Yunho as the eldest had learned how to read his siblings. It was a duty he had taken over instinctively; to not burden his parents more, he would guide his siblings though the daily life of school, fights with friends and the difficulties that pre puberty brought. He had learnd what his brothers' gestures meant. And Yeosang especially was heard to read. But he slowly understood how he thought over time. Crowds made him uncomfortable, loud disturbing noises like thunders made him panic. He didn't like being the center of anything, but being a part of something.
"You know, when I'm done with school and have my degree, when I ever have Dad's position, I will fire all these old creepy men that are looking at us right now" he said with a smile on his face, he was greeting these men at the same time from the distance. "I promise you"

"You would do that?" Yeosang asked quietly and tipped his lips at the imagination. He started to paint the picture in his head; his brother kicking ass like a badass. It made him chuckle.

"Of course, I would. I don't want no creeps in my business"

"Tsk, only if it's yours in the end!" San said as he stuck his nose into the conversation of his two brothers. "I think I definitely have the face to sit on Dad's expensive seat" he said and flashed a wink and a smirk.

"Idiot" Yeosang laughed and shoved the other away. "Yunho is older, he'll be done with school earlier anyway"

"Tsk, that does not mean that Dad is just going to give the company to him!" San gave back and looked up at his brother. "I calculated! If Dad retires with fifty-five, we'll be in our late thirties. Which means it does not matter who graduates first, but who's better"

"Ah Sannie~ this sounds like a bet-" Yunho said and tilted his head.

"Yes, because it is! I'll take over the spott"

Yunho took a breath and tipped his lips. He didn't even want his father's seat. He only had his dancing in mind at the moment. But he also saw the ambition in San's eyes, so he complied. If it made him chase a good education, it didn't matter to him. "Deal, Sannie. Let's see who's made for it"

Hey! How are you doing? I hope you're fine!

I'll spoil yall right here👀👀

We're going to have a couple flashback coming up soon!

To yk, explain wth happened in these five years I skillfully just skipped lol😗✌️

Yk what I love with flashbacks? They just filled with fluff✨

AHHH I have fricking school and I just heard there is a rumor kinda thing that they want to fail everyone this year to make them retake this year💀💀 LIKE BITCH I'M SUPPOSED TO GRADUATE BITCH I'M NOT TAKING 10TH GRADE AGAIN BITCH-😀👍

Do I look mentally stable enough to take another 10th year? Do I???

I need to apply for schools in February and it's too fucking soon💀 I feel like I just finished 9th grade man it's too early for that--


Ahh man

Don't be my dumb ass
Be a smarter ass folks


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