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The sun had just risen when Seonghwa stirred awake from his sleep. He turned and shifted around a little before sitting up. Sleep seemed to be gone and it was way to early to wake Hongjoong too, so he decided to get up by himself and already start his day. Seonghwa felt too lazy to change his pajamas, so he shuffle out of the room looking like he just woke up from a 100 year nap. Downstairs he first searched for his phone, then proceeded to go to the kitchen to get himself a tea in hoped he would feel better after. He wasn't as sleepy anymore but still felt like he was going to fall asleep standing any second.

As the water was boiling, his phone buzzed on the kitchen counter. Knitting his brows, he looked at the just recived message. It was from Hongjoong's youngest sister. Hyerin was six to seven years younger than Hongjoong, was now just above twenty. Seonghwa didn't have much contact with his in-laws, he kept a clean face to them though. Even Hongjoong was distanced to his own family. They had been unaccepting about Seonghwa from the beginning and never corresponded to Seonghwa's hopeless tries to built a connection with them. So, the distance was kept by both sides for the greater good. The older knew exactly what Hongjoong's family thought of him but he didn't count Hyerin in. When they got married, little Hyerin was about thirteen years old, Seonghwa didn't dare to call a child a two faced snake like his mother-in-law. He had always liked Hyerin, she was just too pure. The little girl had such sparkling eyes on their wedding day, she was the only one showing so much joy. She had a special little place in Seonghwa's heart. Though, they didn't talk to each other much. Over the years he had noticed his mother-in-law filling the girl with her opinions and forcing them in her, it marked the relationship he had with her. So, at some point they had lost contact too.

For the first time in years, Hyerin had texted him again. With curious eyes he opened her text and read through it. The message was quite long, it began with a long intro of excusing for interrupting at such an early hour and not talking to him in so long. Then Seonghwa reached the interesting part.

I will be going on a journey soon, and before I leave, I would like to see you, my brother and nephews again. Just to say goodbye and spent a little time with them for a last time.

The older knitted his brows at the message. Of course, she could but why was she asking him and not her brother? Seonghwa waved away that thought and replied her with a polite text, saying that she could come over for dinner.

"Mhm! Hwa..." Hongjoong entered the kitchen shuffling, he could barely keep his eyes open. "Come back... It's too early..." he sneaked his arms around his husband to hold himself on his feet and dragged Seonghwa out of the kitchen.

"But- but I just made my tea" the other habe back but was thrown on the couch in the living room.

"drink it later" the younger hummed and made himself comfortable on his husband. His hand gripped the drawer in their couch and pulled out a blanket, that he spreaded over them. "Sleep..."

"But I'm not sleepy anymore" Seonghwa chuckled quietly and hugged Hongjoong tightly to his chest.

"But I am..." he replied muffled and grinned slightly as Seonghwa stroked his back.

The older's face graced a smile while watching Hongjoong slowly fall asleep. "Maybe a little more rest is a good idea" he hummed and played with the soft stands of Hongjoong's hair.

The thoughts of Hyerin were long gone, they had been wiped away the second Hongjoong had entered the kitchen. Now, he was driving off to sleep himself, his husband being the only thing haunting his mind.


"Hyerin texted me this morning" Seonghwa said casually as he put away the plates. "She asked if she could see you and the kids"

Hongjoong stopped in his tracks and turned to his husband who was unfazedly putting away the dishes. "Hyerin talks to you?"

"Mhm no. Was the first text I got in a couple years..." Seonghwa replied and turned to lean on the counter. "she is your sister, I think she should join us to dinner tonight. Hyerin is their aunt too, and has every right to see them. She hasn't done anything wrong" he sighed and tried to read the expression on Hongjoong's face. "And I think you miss her too. I'm sure you two have a lot to talk about"

Hongjoong knitted his brows and turned away. He hadn't talked to her in a long while. Indeed, the last family member he had talked to was his mother last year. The family he was born in had always been a load in the man's shoulders. They had drenched him to the point were going on seemed like no option and after getting married they had done the same with his husband. Now, they tend to give Seonghwa the fault that Hongjoong had distanced himself. No matter how much he kept his family away, his youngest sister had always had a special place. He didn't see any fault in her, how could he? Hyerin was so young, she couldn't understand what had happened. From time to time he felt guilty for leaving her in the household alone, but he had never gotten any kind of call for help from her, so he liked to think his parents and sisters were kind to her.

Hongjoong didn't exactly know how to feel about seeing her again. Maybe he feared that she was going through the same pressure as him and he wanted to protect himself from feelings of guilt. Maybe he had gotten so used to live like he was the only one, that they never existed, that he feared to be reminded where he was coming from. But there was a silent voice that told him that he should see his little sister.


Did I miss the chance of my life? Yes. Yes I did and I just wanna die omg I'm  so dumb😭💀

I bought my first manga yesterday and met this girl in the book shop and holy shit she was so cute😭
We had such a great talk😭😭
And then I saw my brother coming inside the shop and I panicked and forgot to give her my snap😭😭
I don't even know her nammeeee😭😭
She was so cute and respectful and-😭💀💀

Cute Tokyo ghoul girl in Thalia, please, if you ever read this, I am the girl with the skirt that you recommended her first manga, hey!😭💀

Do I plan to go there next week too?
Hell yeah I do🤡


Don't be my dumb ass
Be a smarter ass😭✌️


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