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"I'm so sorry my family is so-ugh" Yunho said as he closed the door to his room.

Yuqi shrugged her shoulders. "Mhm, I thing your brother was cute" she admitted and giggles quietly. She let her eyes drift over the wide room that he was obviously sharing with one of his brothers. One could see how the room was devided in the middle by how both Kim brothers had painted the walls. One side was painted dark blue, the other was plain white but filled with multiple bookshelves packed with comics. Then she looked back to Yunho who packed his laptop out of the drawer.

"Have you thought about any topic yet?" Yunho asked and sat in his desk seat, turned around to fave Yuqi. The girl was left awkwardly standing in the middle of the room. "uhm-you can just sit anywhere you'd like, you know"

She nodded and sat on the edge of Yunho's bed. "Nah, I don't even know which topic is important enough to fill ten minutes?"

"Food-" Yunho snorted and leaned back, thinking hard. He needed that grade in this class, or else it would look quite ugly in his report.

"Woah, let's do it about the beauty and art of meat-" Yuqi laughed and shook her head as she let herself fall back onto the bed. "... Hobbies? He didn't say anything about what kind of topic it has to be?"

"Sounds good... What are your hobbies?"

Yuqi blew her cheeks. "Well, dancing I guess"

"Dancing? Mine too!" Yunho replied shortly, curing at himself internally for the over enthusiasm in his voice. He had wanted to keep cool profile so bad.

"For real? You dance? Since when?"

"For... Six years by now? I started with a friend in third garde" Yunho replied and sat up with a straight back. "I dance at the club near our school"

Yuqi's eyes widened. "Really? I do too-" she said and sat up too. "Why haven't I ever seen you there?"

"Well I can imagine why I haven't seen you shortie but how could you miss me-" he laughed stupidly.

"Tsk," she scoffed, "I'm not even that small!"

"You're 1.60 at most, Yuqi-"

"I will hit you-"

"Whatcha gonna do, shortie?"

Yuqi tilted her head to the side. "Break your niko niko kneecaps, giant"


"Okay we have... Traditional dance forms and their meaning, contemporary and hip-hop... Symbolism and benefits for soul and body... Does that sound like ten minutes?"

"How am I supposed to know-" Yunho shrugged his shoulders as he laid overhead down from his bed. He was dead-bored and strained by the preparations they had already done. Not that it was much, but he was done with it already. "We could add ballet?"

Yuqi hummed agreeing and typed it down on the laptop. "I think if we say something for two minutes to each point we get ten minutes full," she concluded and copied the document with links and the structure on her USB-stick.

"If not, we can dance ourselves to fill in missing time-" Yunho laughed and sat on his bed properly.

"Yeah, we should do an example for ballet and put you in tight leggings-"

Yunho stopped for second as he got an idea. "No let's do that-"

"Ew no I don't want to see you in leggings and a tutu-" the younger replied and knitt her brows disgusted. "No-"

Yunho rolled his eyes. "Not like that- I mean let's perform something. 65% of the points are for creativity" he explains and looked at her suggestingly. "I mean, if you can reach my level that is-"

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