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"Do you still have your keys?"

"Yeah, yeah, of course" Jisoo replied and pulled out the keys to his parent's house. He had never considered giving it back after moving out. "I will stay over tonight then. You and Dad just enjoy yourselves tonight" he smiled at his father and loaded his younger siblings into his car. It was getting quite late and as the triplets and Seokmin were already sleeping, Jisoo was taking his other siblings home.

"Thanks" Seungcheol said and sent off his oldest. He got a little emotional from time to time. His oldest was flying out of the nest, the time has come to get used to letting go. The man returned to the garden, where the scenery had changed a bit. The fire bowl was lit and chairs were set up around it.

"So... The kids are sleeping safe and sound and everyone here us above the legal drinking age..." Hongjoong rejoined the group with a crate of alcohol.

"How did you even reach there?" Yonghwan snickered and grabbed himself a bottle. "Seonghwa keeps them on the top of a shelf so he can't reach it"

"Because he gets drunk so fast!" Seonghwa replied "and then behaves like a little kid, gets pouty and whiny"

"Tsk, lies" Hongjoong gave back and opened a bottle with pouted lips. "I don't get pouty..."

Yongsun slapped her forehead. "Huh? May I remind you of that one time on tour?"

Sora choked on their water "Pft! Right! We were celebrating and had a couple drinks and he was full so fast and cried to a lantern"

"and when we tried to get him back to the hotel he just clung to it like a koala and kept crying" Yongsun added kept teasing Hongjoong.

"I don't... I don't remember that?" he just mumbled and gulped down the contents of his bottle.

"I remember that... Sora called me to talk to you because you wouldn't let go of it and were crying about my chair that you broke" Yonghwan added.

"You liar, tried to sue me for that!" Seungyoun gasped.

"Ah, Seonghwa, what did you get married to?" Yongsun joked and patted the man's shoulder in a played manner.

"Ah... a broke and unemployed kid" he sighed and looked over to his side "who's now a man I'm so proud of" he added and squished Hongjoong's cheeks playfully to show him a little of his affection. Seonghwa would have liked to give him a kiss but would never do that in front of elders.

"Now, every single at this table who just felt a hundred times more lonely take a sip"

Seungcheol put his hand on Jeonghan's mouth. He knew his little games to well. "Nope, still married" he sighed "seventeen years strong and counting, honey"

"Unfortunately-" Jeonghan gave back teasingly and got his cheek pinched as a response.

A moment of silence passed, and Seonghwa and Chaewon crossed glances accidentally again. It was a quite uncomfortable situation between them and tried to avoid each other. The whole scene was a little uncomfortable for them. Hongjoong and Yonghwan didn't know about that though. "Mhm... Seonghwa, why are you looking so dull?" the elder marked by. "Hm... Have you and Chaewon met? I think you would be great friends"

"Mhm... Just a little drenched, Yonghwan. No worries, I'm fine" he gave back and snuggled further into his chair and blanket. He grabbed Hongjoong's bottle and drank the rest. "You see, Chaewon and I do know each other quite well"

All head snapped at him for a silent moment. "Huh? What do you mean?" Hongjoong asked confused.

"Ah yes... We went to high school together, Seonghwa and I" Chaewon added carefully, still too shy to say much. Over the evening, she had talked to all the other guests, introduced herself politely. The gathering was very welcoming and she didn't feel as uncomfortable as she had thought she would. Though, meeting Seonghwa again like that did fight back.

"She was my girlfriend before I moved away" Seonghwa spilled and laughed nervously. "I wouldn't have thought to see you again, you haven't changed much"

Hongjoong looked between his husband's ex-girlfriend and his husband. Seungcheol extended him another green glass-bottle. "Have another brother, you look like you need it" he said and popped the lid open.

"Why didn't I know you had a girlfriend before we met?" Hongjoong asked, genuine hurt in his voice.

Seonghwa shrugged his shoulders. "You never asked and it was never relevant? Are you really upset?"

Yonghwan looked at his girlfriend with unbelieving eyes. "When were you going to tell me?" he asked quietly. He had expected everything, everything but that.

"How was I supposed to tell you? Oh look, that's my first love right there?" she snapped back.

"Well, we were together for... Two years? Then, I moved away and didn't come back to Gyeongnam with my parents" Seonghwa added casually. "Ah yes, Chaewonie and I had a lot of fun at high school... Do you still play the bass?"

"Mhm! As a hobby from time to time. I heard you built a new band after you left, you were quite famous" Chaewon replied a little more relaxed.

While to two old friends talked, Hongjoong and his mentor came eye to eye. Words were not needed to grasp the sheer and utter confusion.

"On our simple stereotypical love story?" Jeonghan mumbled over to his husband while watching the scene take place.

Seungcheol nodded, clanking their bottles together. "On our simple story"


"No! No! Listen! I'm not lying!" Seonghwa laughed. "Back when we decided to move in together, he told me he was about to get his paycheck and that he wanted to get the furniture for the bedroom-" he told and ignored Hongjoong trying to shut him up. "Little did I know he got kicked out just little before. I was with my parents in my hometown at that time and then came back to our apartment... And I enter the bedroom and see a freaking bunk bed!"

"Hey! Hey- no. Look I had a reason!" Hongjoong interrupted and held up his hand. "I had no money left but we still needed a bed. So, instead of just not getting any bed, I took my old bed to our apartment-"

"And for a year we shared that bunk bed like such good friends" Seonghwa wheezed.

"But- But the bed wasn't bad or broken though, it was quite comfortable!"

Ahaha hey😗✌️

Guess who has a French exam tomorrow😗

Ahhh I haven't studied really, i just hope it will be fine because like- I know the vocabulary and how if-clause and the times are made, so let's hope I get that🤡

I don't have much to talk about today, so let's talk together. How was your day? You feeling fine? Why does Nevada need so long to count?🤡

Please stay healthy and safe


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