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"uh... Maybe we're a little under-dressed..." Seonghwa marked by when Hongjoong parked at the big luxurious hotel. Their navigation had brought them here, to the glowing gold skyscraper.

"you would rock a potato bag, we're not under-dressed" Hongjoong commented as he got out of the car. "Ahh it's going to be fine, you look fabulous" he offered his arm, Seonghwa taking it with flushed cheeks.

He didn't intend to be late, but now they were and everyone would be starring at them especially. Seonghwa didn't like the idea. They were all adults now, there was nothing to be afraid of, was there? But he wouldn't forget the beating though.

They entered the hotel, were brought to the right hall by the receptionist. Tall doors were opened for them, on the other side a full hall waiting for them. Just as the older had predicted everyone turned to them. Hongjoong had no problem with that, of course. But Seonghwa on the other hand had to forcefully hold his face up.

"Ah! Hongjoong, Seonghwa ! I'm glad you two made it!" the former class president approached the married couple with open arms. "With you two the class is really complete, ah!"

Hongjoong shook the hand extended at him. "Oh we wouldn't miss this, no" he replied, flashing a smile. "it's been a long time, you haven't changed a bit, Donghyun"

Over the night, the couple went from table to table, greeting everyone. At the same time Seonghwa searched for people he could actually stand. He was internally praying that at least Minhee was in the room somewhere and he could just detach from Hongjoong and sit next to her. While going around, he couldn't but think back at his high school times. He had spent only one year with these people, but he could say that one year was better than the years at his first high school though. Not only because he had met Hongjoong here. He had felt a little more confident here, no-one had really known him so he could just do what he wanted. He had felt free here.

"Yah! Seonghwa! Is that you?" someone called from behind the tall man. When he turned around, he saw Sooyeon. She had been in his band, the bassist to be specific. And behind her were the rest of his old high school band. "Oh my- I haven seen you in years!" the rather confident woman approached him with open arms, hugging the former lead singer.

"Oh- Oh hey" Seonghwa as a little surprised by the close contact but didn't push her back. "yeah... It's been a couple years" he chuckled pulling back slowly. His eyes drifted to the rest a little behind her. He wanted to talk to them, he could. That was okay. For a second he turned to Hongjoong. "I'm over there" he informed him, pointing at the little group of people. Hongjoong nodded understanding. "How are you? What have you been doing in these years?" he asked her as they approached their old band.

"Ah, I'm fine, I'm fine" she replied. "after school I went around the world a little, to be honest I didn't think I would come back here though"

"Yeah, you told me you had a boyfriend abroad"

"You remember that?" Sooyeon's eyes went wide. "pft, that asshole left me in the middle of a country which's language I couldn't speak" she scoffed.

"Well I drove you to the airport three times though" he chuckled. "Well, I told you he was fishy though, huh?"

The former bassist huffed, grabbing another glass of champagne. "fucker ran away with his stepsister"

"Ah Seonghwa! How are you man?" Hwanhee asked, another ex member, extending his hand.

Seonghwa gladly accepted. "Oh I'm fine! Hope you are too?"
The ex lead singer greeted his whole band, he felt so nostalgic seeing all of them again. In his eyes, it seemed like nothing had changed between them. It felt so comforting to see them still do silly jokes just like years ago. Some things would never change, would they?

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