o50 - ateez family au au pt2

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"Don't worry father, I will be fine" Seonghwa assured his father. He took his hands in his own, holding them thight. "The moon will be watching over me" he added and the  turned to this home. In front of him were all the citizens of the northern water tribe, all gathered to say their goodbye to their prince. "My dear people" he said  loud and proud, so that everyone could hear him. "As it is our duty to help the avater bring peace and freedom to this world, I will be fulfilling this duty. Today I will join avatar Hongjoong to his journey. I may leave you for now, but as the price of this tribe, I will come back to fulfill my duties and responsibilities as your prince"

In the background, Hongjoong and his group sat on the saddle of his dragon and watched Seonghwa hold his speech. The young avatar was mesmerized by the elegance the waterbending master held, how powerful his voice was and how caring at the same time. His eyes didn't leave the white haired man's body for a second, he wanted to take in every second of this powerful moment. He was born to be the prince, the people loved him, followed him. Something in his way of talking, the way he hold himself, did something to Hongjoong.

In the back the older monk chuckled. "Pft, I guess the ice isn't the only hard thing here-" everyone except Chan and Jin gave him deadly looks, Hongjoong unbothered bending a chunk of snow in the face of his mentor.

"Did he lie tho-"

The prince of the northern water tribe turned away from his people, climbing on the dragon very carefully. He didn't want to hurt the animal in any way. "We can go" he said, sighing. Saying goodbye to his home was hard for him. He had never left the tribes, he was never away from the unending ice and cold. Seonghwa was terrified on the inside.

What would he do out there?

Could he take this journey?

There were so many questions in his head, so many things he didn't know. But there was one sure thing he knew.

Whatever happened from now on, Hongjoong would be there.

He would be safe.


Another dark night had fallen over the group, painted dark shadows in every corner. Everything was sleeping and silent. For the moment, the silence seemed like peace. The night felt like nothing was wrong with this cruel world. But everyone knew, that that wasn't true.

Soon the two strongest nations would come together to start an era of oppression, war and injustice. No-one knew at the moment, no-one would expect it after so many years of pure peace. But Hongjoong did, he knew that he had to master every element, built a plan and stop the fire nation and earth kingdom before it was too late. Sure, by now he was able to bend every element, but he hadn't mastered it, he was far from it. He had spent days in the spiritual world, talking to his past lives, the past avatars, asking them about advice and wisdom. Some did help him, some where to violent for his liking. And some just brought him down. He felt like a failure. The worst avatar walking the surface of earth. Half a year had passed, his clock was ticking and he still felt like at the beginning.

But this night, this night felt like peace. He could lie to himself for once and believe that at that moment, peace was reachable and real.

Just as sleep was about to wash over the young avatar, his senses ringed. Thanks to his seismic sense, he could see someone walk away from their camp.


Curiously, Hongjoong sat up from his spot, tiptoed after the waterbender. It was dark, near to black, as their camp was in the middle of the jungle, trees were hiding the stars and moon. Hongjoong could only see through his bare feet, how Seonghwa managed to make his way was unknown to him. Seonghwa picked up on pace, was nearly running, Hongjoong chasing close by. And then, Seonghwa abruptly stopped.

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