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"Are you sure you will be okay?"

"Ah, you worry to much. We'll be just fine"

"Are you sure? Please call me when something is going wrong, ah?"

Hongjoong had surprised Seonghwa with a week off for him. He had booked him a wellness week on Jeju-Island. Seven days no stress, no noise, just to relax and take a rest. Which also meant he had do leave his kids and Hongjoong alone for a week. It wasn't like Seonghwa thought his husband couldn't handle the kids alone, he was just imagining the worst scenarios possible and that made him worry a little too much. In addition he would miss his children too much, until now he had never left them.

"Yes. Now get going, the taxi is waiting!"

Seonghwa sighed, knelt down to say goodbye to the kids. Yunho was first. "Look out for Daddy okay? And for your brothers! I trust you little man!" he kissed his forehead and hugged his oldest tight.

"Promise!" the boy replied, giving his father a kiss on the cheek.

Next up was Yeosang, who immediately wrapped his arms around Seonghwa. "Oh baby" he sighed and stroked his son's hair. He gave him a big kiss on the crown of his head, caressing his cheek with his thumb. "Whenever you miss me just tell Daddy to call me, okay?" the little one nodded rapidly. Yeosang want the one to talk when he was getting emotional but you could see him holding back words by his pressed lips. Seonghwa didn't need him to say what he couldn't to know what he meant. So, he gave him a tight hug and a kiss on the forehead before moving on to San.

Even if they were twins, they were close to nighoting like each other. San was pretty verbal about his feelings. The little boy had both his arms wrapped around his favorite plushy and looked at Seonghwa with glassy eyes. "Please call every day!"

"Of course, baby. Promise" Seonghwa said pulling his little boy in his arms. "Papa will call you every night" he assured, hugging him tight and pressing a big kiss on his forehead. "You two look out for each other!"

With a big "Papa!" Mingi run into Seonghwa's arms. "Come back soon! Daddy can't cook!" he added. Seonghwa chuckled amused while Hongjoong scoffed offended.

"Papa will be back in seven days and then we're going to have all your favorite dishes okay?" Mingi nodded, having a little sad smile on his lips. His father gave him a little kiss. "And you take care of Yunho, ah?" asked and earned another nod from his son. At last he kissed his forehead too and moved on.

Next on was Wooyoung, who stood there with crossed arms. "Uuyoung wants to come with Papa!" he insisted and turned away from his father. "Uuyoung doesn't want Papa to leave me"

"Papa isn't leaving you, baby" he responded carefully turning him around by his shoulders. "Come here, give Papa a hug"
The boy pouted but gave in. "there you go..." Seonghwa stroked the little boy's back while hugging him tight. "No bowling with Jongho as the bowling ball, ah?" Seonghwa asked before kissing Wooyoung's forehead too.

"No bowling with Jongie..." the boy promised embarrassed and kissed his Papa goodbye.

Seonghwa stood up straight and walked over to Hongjoong, who was holding little Jongho on his hip. No, now he was getting emotional. "Ah, Jongho... No crying when Papa isn't here, okay?"

"No crying Jongho or no crying Seonghwa?" Hongjoong commented, seeing his husband's teary eyes. You never get this emotional when I'm leaving... Neither do the kids. I feel attacked.

Seonghwa took Jongho from his husband and gently kissed his cheeks. "Be a good boy and don't make Daddy lose his nerves, ah?" he peppered some more kisses on his face.

Jongho instinctively put his tiny hands on his father's face and just copied what he just saw, kissing all over his face. More like giving him little licks but Seonghwa didn't care at all. He was about to give in. No, he didn't want to leave.

Then, the taxi outside honked. "Okay boys Papa has to go now" Hong hushed Seonghwa out the door, taking his suitcase to load it in the taxi. The kids lined up on the door, Jongho in the middle - now sitting in his baby walker.

"I don't want to" Seonghwa said while hugging Hongjoong.

"You need time to relax and calm down. We will be fine. Focus on yourself a little. You have been working the hardest" Hongjoong softly responded, getting on his tiptoes to give him a little assuring peck.

The taller male pouted. That didn't help him at all but there was no back now was it? "I love you" he said kissing his husband.

"Love you too" they shared a little moment just looking at each other, no more words were needed.

Before turning to the taxi Seonghwa waved with both hands to the kids and squeezed Hongjoong's for a last time. When he finally made it into the taxi, the lightly pissed driver put in the address of the right airport.

"I dare to assume it's your first time leaving alone, Sir?"

"How did you know?"

"Just a feeling"


"Daddy Mingi might have cut his hair"

"He wha-"

"Wooyoung floated the bathroom!"


"Dad Jongho-"


Hey! How are you?

I felt like posting today too and it's 1 am again so maybe I'm going to get some instant noodles too, like yesterday...

I feel like Hongjoong would be that type of parent where just everything goes wrong but he fixes though somehow. So let's see what happens if Seonghwa leaves them by themselves for a week.

Also, I assume we all saw the concept photos for San and Mingi? *-* they out for blood istg-
I feel like the comeback is like, tomorrow or something it feels so close and I feel so unprepared-


Please stay healthy and safe!


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