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"This is the list, here. Have fun, baby" Seonghwa waved after Yunho and Hongjoong who were going to get the groceries for the week.

"Ah! I want dinosaur nuggies! Don't forget them!" Mingi yelled after them, holding his stomach. He had been craving them for a time now. Yunho turned around a last time and signed an okay before getting into the car.

Hongjoong pulled out of the driveway and directed the car to their first stop. Number one was getting things like flour and sugar, number two was vegetables and fruits. Getting groceries was a little special thing between Hongjoong and Yunho alone, it had become a habit of them. It was like an unwritten rule. Father and son had their alone time together which was something special, as one, their house was full and second, while Hongjoong was working he lacked time a lot. But he appreciated the little time he had with his oldest now, even though his comeback was just days away.

"Are you excited, Dad?" Yunho asked as he listened to the radio play one of his father's older songs. "for your new album?"

Hongjoong glanced over to Yunho quickly. "Mhm, I am. Are you?"

The younger pressed his lips together for a moment. "I'm too. Then all the oldet students at my school are talking about you. They think you're so cool" he replied.

The father made a faked gasp. "Ah, Yunho! You don't think I'm cool? Ah, no, no, I  am really hurt by that!"

"But all the students say you're so... I don't know what dilf means but I think that means cool... I think Papa is cooler than you" Yunho shrugged his shoulders, ignoring his father choking next to him. "When you're at home you're just like Mingi. All you want to do is cuddle and bite my face"

"I-" Hongjoong chocked on his own spit, coughing it out again. He was terrified of the thought that his little angels would grow and understand all these words they didnt know the meaning to yet. At that moment Hongjoong made a promise to himself. The day his kids asked him what dilf meant and why some of his fans called him that, would be the day he quit his job. That would be his limit, he wouldn't be able to answer their questions.

"Hm... Sometimes I don't understand the language the older students speak. They always fight about weird things. Like once I heard two guys fight over bunk beds. Why is it so important who is top and who's bottom?" Yunho continued "Ah! I remember in our old apartment, when San and Sangie very young, we had a bunk bed too! I was always top. Mhm, maybe I like the top bed more though..."

Hongjoong had to forcefully hold himself together. An unfamiliar feeling crept up his spine. Now he could understand Seonghwa's fear of their children getting older. "Oh really?"

"Yes... It was so silly... What do you like more? Top or bottom?" the oldest Kim-brother asked his father with the biggest, purest, innocent eyes.

"I-Me? Uhm..." Hongjoong debated in how to answer that question. "You see Yunho, I don't really care much. I'm fine with both"

"Mhm... No, I like the top"

To a point, that conversation was so hilarious to Hongjoong. He knew, in a couple of years when puperty hit his innocent boy, he would remember that moment when he asked his father indirectly if he was a top or bottom.
"What else do the older students talk about?"

"one time I heard some girls talking about something called p... Period? They said it'd awfull and hurts and that it's evil!" Yunho looked over to his father. "Am I going to get my period too, Dad? Hm I didn't Want to it's sounded so painful-" he said scared.

Hongjoong chuckled loud "I don't think you will get your period Yunho" he said, parking in front of the first shop. "Alright, big boy. We have a lot to get over with"


The radio was playing in the background as father and son were driving home. Hongjoong had taken the wrong turn accidentally to gain more time. He had promised his husband to talk to their oldest.

"You know Yunho, when I was much younger and still lived with my family, I gave my everything to be the best in everything" he said into the air. He saw Yunho's head snap forwards him from the corner of his eyes. "I thought, because I only had three sisters and my Dad was sick, that I had to be the strongest one to take care of all of them. But what I didn't see back then was, that I was just too young to be responsible for all the things I wanted to care for" he told. "But I felt like I had to. No-one told me I should get the best grades in every subject or that I should start working as soon as possible. Nobody said that I had to, but I felt so forced to do so. Also, nobody told me to stop and that I was bad for myself. And so, I started working as soon as I was fourteen, I studied really hard every day and just a year later I started to make my own music to get into any company... You know, I thought I was doing the best back then. What I didn't see was how because of all the pressure and stress I got sick, very very sick" Hongjoong took his right hand off the steering wheel and placer it on Yunho's fluffy hair. "sometimes I think you feel forced to be the best too, big boy. I want you to know that Papa and I don't want you to feel like you have to be such a great role model or student unlike us when we were young. Right now, you may not know how precious your time is, it's way more important to us that you are healthy and happy and just- carefree now, you don't have to take any Form of responsibility, that's something for Papa and me" Hongjoong softly stroked his son's hair while smiling. "I'm not telling you to do bad in school, ah! I'm telling to to do what you can do, and not feel guilty if it's not the best grade. They don't make you who you are and are defi9not worth your health"

Yunho bit his lips together, oh how much he wanted to cry right now. I wanted to say sorry, that he was feeling guilty for thinking that way. He feared if he opened his mouth just now, he would break into tears. Instead, he took his own, much smaller, hand and placed above his father's, holding onto his fingers. He nodded rapidly, gesturing that he had understood his lesson, that he would try to not do it again.

"Some papers and numbers don't define you or anyone, big boy. Papa and I love you and all your siblings for the persons you're going to become one day"

Hey how you doing?

Ahhhh I wanted to update yesterday so so bad but I fell asleep at 500 words, I was really tired last night.

SO YALL who watched the 2nd anniversary online concert? My broke ass streamed illegally tho so pssssssstt💀💀

I cried. Like so many times lol. It was the first thing I did yesterday as it began at around 7am for me and I just- cried the first thing in the morning. I can't- just can't-

Ahh yes and then explain to my parents why tf I was crying at 8 in the morning😗😗

That's actually all I had to say for today. I hope all of you are at a safe place, and you feel safe. It has become something so rare and it makes me so angry and sad.

Please stay healthy and safe


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