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The tight grip around Hongjoong's arm woke the younger up. Immediately, he sat up; alarmed and worried about what he had to face. Hongjoong had been prepared for everything but not the actual case. As he looked down next to himself, he saw his husband turn and toss in all directions. Little beads of sweat formed on the elder's forehead and the pained expression on his face told the younger what was wrong.

Over the weeks Seonghwa had started to get nightmares again. It was a terrible, but usual, thing that came to happen when he was under stress and pressure. His husband had just signed a new contract for a new series that he would start filming soon, it was close to believe that it was the cause of the continuing nightmares.

"Hwa... Seonghwa..." Hongjoong called and softly rocked his husband. His hands stroked the elder's hair out of his face. as quiet whimpers started, Hongjoong tried it again; a little rougher this time. "Hey... Seonghwa, wake up... it's okay, everything is okay," he said and finally succeeded to pull his husband out of his sleep. When Hongjoong looked into his with horror- and terror-filled eyes, he leaned down and kissed his forehead, hoping it would ease him. "It was just a dream... just a dream" he whispered and lightly brushed over the burning hot and sweaty skin of Seonghwa's cheek.

Words and short breaths got mixed and stuck in the elder's throat. His heart was still beating uncontrollably and a stinging pain spread in his chest. Seogwha couldn't quite grasp anymore what he had seen in the nightmare, but it had been terrifying. He still felt the same terror and scare, the immense emotions kept him breathless. Only after another long and quiet moment, he was able to form decent sentences. "I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to wake you again..."

Hongjoong parted from the elder but kept one of his hands on his cheek, the other searched and grabbed the elder's cold hand. He intertwined their fingers and gave him a warm smile. "That does not matter at all. Are you better? Should I get you tea or water?" he asked instead and kept caressing the elder. His heart stung whenever the roles changed and the elder was in the position of the one who needed to be taken care of. It was not because he didn't want to take care of him, but because he knew that Seonghwa also went through the long and dark tunnels he did. No matter how much he pleaded to the heavens to never bring it over his loved ones, it was not preventable in their world. In these times he got to experience a fraction of the sadness the elder would feel when he was taken care of. "Do you want to wash up? Should I get a wet cloth or do you want to go to the bathroom?"

"Bathroom is fine..." Seonghwa replied weakly and pushed himself up. As Hongjoong wanted to help him out of the bed, he blocked his hands and tried himself. Other than Hongjoong, he needed a moment for himself to gather his thoughts first. Though it warmed his heart that no matter how deep in the night it was, Hongjoong woke up as if it was the bright morning and was ready to do whatever he needed him to. "I can wash up alone, I'm fine I promise... can you get me some cold water?"

Hongjoong debated to disagree or not for a moment, then complied. "Okay... I'll be back in a second, mhm? Don't... don't over-do it," he said and pressed a last kiss on the elder's cheek before proceeding to go to the kitchen. The younger of the two tried his best to be silent as he walked through the corridor and down the stairs to get to the kitchen. He didn't want to wake anyone else, dealing with Wooyoung that got pulled out of his sleep in the middle of the night was tiring. Downstairs, Hongjoong entered the kitchen and opened the fridge to get the cooled water. He was well aware that Seonghwa had sent him away to focus because Seonghwa didn't like cold water at all. It gave him stomachache which is why he stopped for a second and decided otherwise. Hongjoong turned and put the water back inside the fridge, got teacups instead. For a moment he searched through the cabinets to get the right tea to make after a horrible nightmare. So, with two cups of lukewarm tea, he climbed the stairs and re-entered his bedroom. Hongjoong put the cups on the nightstand and went into the attached bathroom where Seonghwa was washing his face. "Are you better now? I... couldn't find cold water, I brought tea instead... If you want we can talk about it"

Seongwha straightened his back and looked through the mirror into Hongjoongs face. Their eyes were a little red and puffy from exhaustion and yet he was ready to stay up all night. A tired smile pulled at the corners of his lips and he nodded slightly. "Yeah... I'd like that"


Seonghwa's eyes were glued on the clock as he awaited his children to come home. It had come to his attention they kept missing their busses every other Friday afternoon. Maybe he was getting paranoid or there was really something up with it. Yet he trusted his kids and their bond. They would tell him, they had no reason not to do so.

A key turned in the lock of the front door; Seongwha jumped up from the couch to greet the little group that had arrived. Jongho and Wooyoung were the first to step foot into the house, they were also the first to run to the elder for a hug. "Ah? How was school today, mhm?" he asked them as he hugged them tightly to his chest.

"It was good... we did figures in art class!" Wooyoung excitedly told and released his father from his grip. "I made a big butterfly with purple wings and yellow dots!"

"Woah Wooyoungie, I'm excited to see it," Seongwha replied and ruffled his hair before the two youngest were off to the dining room. "And you? How did school go? Why are you so late again?" he asked with worry swinging in his voice. Seonghwa noticed the looks the four were giving each other, then Mingi shook his head and followed Wooyoung and Jongho to the dining room. the parent's brow rose at his kid's behavior. "Why were you late?" he asked again and crossed his arms at Yunho and the twins.

San looked at Yeosang who kept his eyes on the ground, fascinated by the carpets weaving. Then he lifted his eyes and looked back at his twin, shook his head slightly. But San was clearly angered, almost furious. So, he turned back to their father. "Mr. Seo always calls Yeosag to talk to him in private for no reason!"

"San- n-no! That's not true!"

"It is! And I don't like him talking to Yeosang the way it does! I won't lie for you anymore!" San yelled and stopped off to the dining room. Yunho followed the younger one while trying to calm the twin.

When Seonghwa looked back at Yeosang, the boy's body was trembling and his eyes filled with horror. The parent's eyes knit concerned as he carefully took a step at his son. "Yeosang... what is San talking about?"

At that right moment, the whole world of the boy broke down in front of his eyes.

He had been caught.

And now he would ruin everything.

Because he couldn't shut his mouth.

It was his fault.

That's what he said.

All his fault.

*flees the country*
*please don't kill me*

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