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"Ah yes... And then everything just happened" Seonghwa finished, sighing contently. His eyes wandered over his family, making him crack a dreamy smile. He pressed Hongjoong a kiss on the cheek as a silent thank you. For a moment he got lost in his eyes, got himself together fast. "Ahh, it so late already, time for bed young men"

His children groaned. "But I want to hear more stories!" Yeosang protested, pouting his lips.

"More stories on another day, now it's time for bed. C'mon" Hongjoong lifted Mingi who was sitting on his lap and went up the stairs followed closely by Yunho and Wooyoung.

The twins looked at Seonghwa with big eyes and pouted lips. Oh yes, that was indeed Seonghwa's sweet spot but not today. "Nope, no exceptions" he said lifting Jongho in his arm and guiding San and Yeosang up the stairs with his other. "you don't get me with that look"

"At least we tried..." Yeosang sighed walking up the staris first, San following.

Hongjoong volunteered to tuck in the kids but let Seonghwa handle Jongho. The little one got all too excited whenever Hongjoong brought him to bed and then lost all his sleep. So, Seonghwa followed his usual routine, washing his little face, arms and legs before changing him in his pajamas. But for some reason Jongho didn't want to calm down. The baby constantly kicked his feet, rolled to the side, tried to escape his father's hands. "Jongho, bunny, it's already past you bedtime. Please, don't do this" Seonghwa sighed, catching his little one before he could crawl away. At some point, he gave it up and let Jongho have his moment, letting him roll all over the bed of his parents.

"He's still not sleepy?" Hongjoong asked as he entered the bedroom, finding his husband tiredly sitting on the bed and their youngest actively jumping on in.

"Nope" Seonghwa sighed, shaking his head. "Why is he so hyperactive?"

Clueless, Hongjoong sat on the bed, taking Jongho on his lap. "why won't you sleep, huh? Why?"

Jongho smiled brightly and innocently. He raised his arms, laying his chubby hands on the cheeks of his parents, bringing their heads together. Seonghwa and Hongjoong just moved as their bunny wanted, they were too tired to question. Jongho squished their cheeks while giggling, he felt so happy and confident. The little boy looked at both his parents, opening his little mouth.



"Seonghwa please stop crying"

"He said Baba, Hongjoong. Baba!"

"Then please come out of the corner. It's too late for this, let's go to sleep, please"

Seonghwa wiped his tears and looked up at Hongjoong, making grabby hands at him.

"You're just as a baby as Jongho" Hongjoong sighed, not hiding his cracked smile. There were times Seonghwa let him pamper him and he loved it. Bending down he lifted him up, wrapped his legs around his waist to hold him easier. "C'mon you big baby, it's after your bedtime too" he joked, walking out of their bathroom to their bedroom, setting his husband on his side of the bed. But he didn't want to let go. "Ah, I'm just going to the other side, Seonghwa please"

"Uh-uh" he mumbled, and with one big pull he had Hongjoong on the mattress. Seonghwa straddled him on the bed, laying himself on his chest. "That's better" he whispered, trying not to wake up Jongho.

"Mhm, that's okay too" his husband replied, sneaking his arms around his torso, hands playing with his hair. "You rarely are like that, everything okay?" he carefully asked.

Seonghwa nodded but sighed. He lifted only his head, looking up at Hongjoong. "We have been married for almost ten years, have six wonderful children and you are a worldwide known artist. And we didn't even reach thirty... Sometimes I think of what my mom said... Did we rush things?"

Hongjoong kept quiet for a second. "Maybe we did" he replied, stroking his hair "I mean we moved in together as soon as graduated and then got married not long after" he chuckled softly. "Maybe we did rush things back then but... We were happy back then and are now, ah?"

"Of course" Seonghwa agreed. He sighed, rolling to the side and off of Hongjoong. "sometimes I just... Nah, it's okay. It's late, good night" he mumbled before snuggling into the sheets and closing his eyes, attempting to sleep.

Hongjoong slid a little closer to him, eyeing Seonghwa for a moment. They had built so much in just ten years, done so much. But their youth was gone, there was no reason to hide the fact. They would start their thirties soon and wouldn't be able to look back at many memories. Their twenties were filled with full time work, and their thirties will be filled with raising their children. Hongjoong understood what Seonghwa actually tried to say. But he knew that neither of them would have done anything differently. They had married early, if they didn't they would have to hide it from the media now. They had kids very early, they wouldn't be allowed to have any if they didn't. Maybe they had rushed things in the past but now they had more freedom. No, he wouldn't want to change one thing.


"Wake up please~"

"Uh- huh?" San sat up confused, eyes still closed. It took him a second to be able to open his eyes, then he noticed the pair of eyes staring up at him. Wooyoung was standing at his bed, barely being able to look over this pretty high bed. His younger brother had his cuddling blanket over his head, looking up at him with puppy eyes.

"Someone is walking around downstairs. Uuyoungie is scared!" the little boy whined, tried to climb up San's bed alone - unfortunately he didn't succeed.

"Wooyoung it's just Daddy getting his late night snacks. Go back to sleep" San scoffed and laid back down, turning his back to him.

"Uh-uh! I'm scared!" Wooyoung protested, continued trying to keep his brother awake. "Sannie please"

For the second time San sat up. He rubbed his eyes, sighed and helped Wooyoung on his bed. San grabbed his plushie and turned to his sleeping side, thinking his job was done.


"what now?"

"... Cuddles"



Hey, hello! How are you guys doing?

Istg my sibling doesn't stop coming to my room and it's 2.30am here. That bitch's reason is because their shit doesn't have the right color -.- TF AM I SUPPOSED TO DO???

Sometimes, just sometimes, I doubt we are biological siblings. Like. Wtf bro. Wtf.

If you have siblings, what was the most wtf moment you had?


Please stay healthy and safe!


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