100 - season finale

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Jeonghan stopped his car in his reserved parking lot and looked over to Seonghwa. "I know you have a tic for cleaning up every mess you see. Now, Seongie, my studio looks like Prada and Gucci had a bitch-fight five minutes ago" the older warned and took off his glasses. "You have been warned"

Seonghwa chuckled and rolled his eyes. "I don't have a cleaning tic!" he huffed "Hongjoong told you that, didn't he? He's the one working in a studio with a two-centimeter dust coat over his stuff!"

The elder shook his head with an amused smile and got out of his car. "Come, my model send from heavens! Let's get to work, we don't want to be late, do we?"
Jeonghan led the younger to the apartment he had turned into his studio. It was on the 32nd floor of the building, and looking out of the large windows made one feel like falling. The studio was small, there was a bedroom with a bed and dresser, then a just as small bathroom. The space, which probably was planned to be the living room, was the main room for the elder's supplies. Large sowing machines, models, and sketchy designs were all over the space. There was another room with only one big closet, Jeonghan kept his fabrics and finished designs in there. It was all locked up with its own key, secured from every possible rob. The elder hadn't been lying when he said his workspace was a mess, there was cut fabric and needles everywhere, here and there pearls and lace. And Seonghwa bit his lips to not comment anything. He loved his dear friend, he wouldn't dare to hurt his feelings just because he had the urge to clean up. Jeonghan laughed at the younger heartly "I told you, Seongie. A total mess. But for my defense, it's easier to get to your stuff when they are all around your feet!"

"No no! This just reminded me of something!" Seonghwa gave back and scanned the many sketches pinned to the wall "This looks like my parents living room when I told them I was getting married a week later-" he chuckled and looked back at the platinum blond.

"You told them just a week before-?"

"We forgot-" Seonghwa laughed "I was scared because we were just around nineteen, twenty years old. I knew if I had told them before everything was set and ready, they would have talked me out of it"

"If I see you forbidding your kids to get married at nineteen I will personally spank your ass" Jeonghan laughed and set his purse on his desk "I would have gone crazy too!"

"Ah I know, I know" Seonghwa sighed with a nostalgic smile "just because I did it, doesn't mean they can do too, though" he added and picked up a couple of sketches from the floor "did you make all of these?"

The elder looked at the old sketches in the younger hands "Oh these, yeah. All in the other room waiting" he replied and pointed at the room with the large closet. "They are my first drafts, I usually put them away when the whole project is over," he said and started to get his supplies together. "Now, I have to get your measurements so I can customize the one's I have finished for your size," he said and approached the other "down with your clothes, Seongie"

As if on command, Seonghwa's fave lit up red. "Oh- Oh- uhm. This is going to be embarrassing" he stuttered and started removing his belt.

"Why?... Oh oh, you have something to hide?" Jeonghan smirked as he clipped his notepad to his belt. He grabbed a pencil and his measure band, waited for the other to get undressed so he could get exact measurements. When Seonghwa revealed his bare shoulders and chest, Jeonghan's eyes widened. "Oh Seongie, he sure knows how to mark his territory" he commented and couldn't hold back a chuckle.

Seonghwa's cheeks were burning at this point. He couldn't look in the elder's eyes anymore, this was too embarrassing. When he noticed that Jeonghan still waited, he lifted his eyes for a second. "Pants too?" he asked in shock. Oh, there was no limit to the feeling of embarrassment.

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