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As time went by, a new routine made its place into the Kim household. Now, during the mornings it was only Seonghwa, Hongjoong and the little bunny Jongho at home. The little boy's brothers had all started school or kindergarten.

Wooyoung got used to the new environment pretty fast. He had made a lot of friends already and the teachers liked him for his perfect manners. He and Mingi were in the same group so he didn't feel alone in the beginning at all, his older brother was always there to help him out.

Meanwhile San and Yeosang had started school pretty well too. Yeosang was a little shy and silent but San and Yunho never left him alone. They got used to the new system fast.

After the new school year had started, Yunho's situation with his classmates and the upper class men got better. And that was because he got to be closer friends with Chan, Hansol and Seungkwan. They were a year older than him but thanks to their reputation, noone dared to touch Yunho anymore.

Hongjoong was standing in the kitchen, preparing breakfast while humming a little tune. Jongho was letf in the living room. The little one had just woken up, was still sleeping internally. Wrapped up in his little sleeping blanket with bunny ears, he was laying on the carpet in his little playground corner. You knew Jongho was really awake when a loud baby bear like yell left the kid's mouth. "Ah Jongie, still all sleepy?" Hongjoong asked while setting the table. After clearing the tray he had filled, the parent made his way over to the baby, who was innocently babbling and turning from one side to the other. He had the bunny ears over his head and his hands were in the little holes that looked like paws. He looked so sweet, Hongjoong had to contain himself to not bite his chubby cheek. Seonghwa had scolded him for bitting the kids back a couple years ago and since then he wasn't allowed to anymore.

It was his way of showing affection, pinching them a little too hard, bitting his kids lightly, he showed his love.

"if I bite your little cheek papa is going to beat daddy's ass... But he didn't say anything about squishing" he said, playing with Jongho's cheeks.

The youngest first protested, he didn't like to be squished and squeezed. He was the youngest, wherever they went, everyone was head over heels for him, so he developed a dislike. Jongho whined and shifted, it was definitely to early for an affection shower from his father. It went on until Jongho started crying, making Hongjoong pout this time. "Ahh, it wasn't even so hard..."Hongjoong picked him up from the ground, swinging him around a little to make him stop crying.

"Yah! What did I tell you about squeezing his face?" Seonghwa said, announcing his arrival.

"But his cheeks are literally saying 'come squish me'" Hongjoong responded, seating Jongho in his high seat at the dinning table before greeting Seonghwa with a light kiss. "I made breakfast! And the pancakes are just perfect, look!" he proudly showed his golden brown pancakes he had made.

"They look delicious, love" Seonghwa agreed and proceeded to go to the bathroom to wash his hands. "It's pretty windy outside, looks like summer is over" he said while coming back. At the table a beautifully prepared breakfast waited for him. The table was packed, and it smelled ridiculously good. But what he liked most about that table was Hongjoong sitting in his chair, smiling all proud of himself. Since the talk, Seonghwa had decided to let him do only easy tasks as making breakfast or vacuuming. So there were many little accomplishments he could be proud of and it helped him regain a little of his confidence again.

With a content sigh Seonghwa sat down too, starting his breakfast after he had taken care of Jongho's food. "Oh, while I was driving your manager called"

"He did?" Hongjoong asked, rising his brows.

"yeah. He wanted to know how you're doing because your phone is turned off. He wanted to talk about your future plans and when you consider to come back" Seonghwa told, took a bite of is little pancake "I told him that you're resting and we will contact him if there is anything new"

Hongjoong hummed, eyeing his plate. It had been four months since he dissappeared from the scene. He felt a little stronger, a little healthier now but the feeling of emptiness did not leave him alone. And he was definitely not ready to speak to anyone about coming back in that state. "Thank you for handling that" he said, flashing a grateful smile at his husband.


"What did Papa pack for lunch?" San asked Yunho as he found him sitting in the farest corner of the playground in front of the school.

"Uhm... We have a chicken sandwich, fruits, vegetables... Thursday menu like always" Yunho answered, taking a big bite of his sandwich.

"Yeosang! San! There you are!"

The three brothers turned around, saw Seungkwan waving at them while running. Behind him came Hansol and Chan into the view. "Here, Jisoo gave us some extra with us today! Have some" he opened his palms, revealing the sweets their oldest brother had given them this morning.

"We just had sports... Mr Kim really likes to torture us..." Hansol said, steadying his breath.

"Oh, Mrs Jeong let's us play games" San replied laughing. "She's the best!"

"I want to have Mrs Jeong in sports again...!" Seungkwan whined

"So you can to your anti puffy face exercises again?"

For a second it was dead quiet, Hansol couldn't forsee what was coming. Seungkwan took advantage, caught his brother in the perfect moment to attack. "Yah!"

Yeosang, who was quietly hiding behind San all the time, shifted a little more in Yunho's direction. He liked the triplets, they were funny but also a little to loud for his liking. Not that his own brothers were little quiet angels, oh no. Just outside his own four walls the boy got a little more shy, I little more silent.

"Too loud, Yeosangie?" Yunho asked while pulling him a little closer. He knew noise made him a little uncomfortable. "Here, you can have my grapes"

The shy boy nodded gratefully, snacking from his brothers meal while watching Seungkwan chasing Hansol and trying to choke him.

Hey! Hopefully you're feeling good today!

Please stay healthy and safe!


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