45~ Becoming Popular Easily.

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"That stupid bitch of an ex and his sister, seems like they are best of friends. Open a YouTube channel for me right now!" And she hung up the phone to get a quick bath then feed her stomach before she plans how to turn their lives upsidedown. She has always been up for a challenge ever since she arrived at the palace and this is her chance to finally put one in place.

They will regret daring her like that. She is the scorching fire for a reason!

They don't know that Suhayr Imraan Khalid is never to be dared like that. She makes sure someone falls head first making their brains crush and defeat them empathetically. They will never think about daring her again after this transpired, she will make sure their heads are buried in their veils whenever they see her. She gave her a month huh? She will make sure she takes less than that given time just so she could rub it more on her face, she will fall face first. Thirty thousand subscribers? Oh, this should be fun and great challenge to keep her occupied for the time being.

Brushing that off, she was about to make her way to the bathroom when the door to their bedroom opened, in came her husband typing away in his phone not noticing her. She can't help but wonder if he has noticed her being missing the whole morning and was glad she won't be with him. Maybe even paid some goons to kidnap her just to have a peaceful day for once after he has met her? She won't put it pass him, he can do that since he sent her to jail with fake drugs. Erhm, she also did exact same thing but he just proved that he is not flawless.

"Are you wearing my sweater?" His question zapped out through his teeth showing just how annoyed he is with her wearing his clothes. Ha, another thing she is enjoying that blessed morning.

She has been trying to gouge out what he hates and this is the second or third one, he don't like her wearing his clothes which will only push her into wearing it everyday. Ha, you shouldn't have looked so annoyed with the mere thought of her wearing his clothes for this is just motivating her to do the same every other day. Suhayr Imraan Khalid only does what is not needed, what she shouldn't do and what people hate, that is what she loves doing all the time and this time is no different, she will go against him again and again.

"Er, yes! You see, I left all my sweaters back in my home and can't wear any but yours hence, it is now worn by me. Or do you need more clarification? I will be more than glad to continue talking." She beamed, her teeth shining outside making him narrow his eyes, he shouldn't have done that but it's too late. That small reaction from him is enough inspiration, really.

Everyone knows that, not everyone but anyone that has been close to Suhayr for a few minutes with her, you get to know that she does the exact opposite of what she is asked to. He shouldn't have let his anger take over so easily, but one thing he hates is when his things are touched without his permission. It makes his skin curl in anger, makes his aggressive side surface like nothing has ever done and that is exactly what she did. It happens in a ricocheted manner ever since Suhayr came to live with him.

"Don't wear my clothes again." He dropped the pestered look and continue to check his phone. He should act nonchalant, maybe she won't disturb his clothes again. She makes him angry all the time, he hates himself for always losing control when it comes to her.

There is no doubt she looks good wearing his clothes, he can't help but feel like she is just too cute wearing his clothes. Her small figure is swallowed in his sweater, so petite but the most aggressive and hostile human he has ever come across. The woman that can burn down a room with just her glare at the same time the most beautiful woman to grace a room filled to the brim with fine women and take attention without trying. She just has it all, under his radar but he can't do a thing, damn!

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