11~ You Have A Lot To Pay.

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"Why not come with me to Nigeria? At least I will get that I have a family I can call my own?" Suhayr proposed rendering the other occupants of the room quite, stunned and speechless.

"You are going to Nigeria?" Was Urshia and Thuraiya's question since they don't know about her flight that leaves in five hours. She wanted to tell them before Urshia burst out earlier and now it came as a shocker.

If one doesn't understand and experience the difficulty it takes to earn the comfort provided by their loved ones, than they will never value it. The most important thing is to experience the difficulty and learn to value hard work behind all the given comfort. Some might think she likes being lonely but nobody likes that even with disorders. She wants to have family and only these females in front of her are all she has left, they are her treasure.

Life is all about making priorities, and family is one and only priority on top of all other, so spend all time you can with loved ones.

She's thought about bringing them with her for a few days knowing how much Nigerians value their family and if she goes there without one, she will be taunted and will be forced to do what she doesn't want to. At first, she is going to act all kind waiting to see who is ready to strike her and who she should strike before they do but for then, she will help Sa'eed act nice. She hates being nice, people always take advantage of you if you are nice which is a no no to her.

Zilch problem she has with rude people cause they are only being truthful, the truth people don't want that is when you get categorized as rude. She knew how royalty is, they will strike her but if it is not huge enough to leave a scar, she won't retort. Her mother taught her not to strike if she knows she could easily take down the opponent but if the opponent is strong enough to take her down, then by no chance should she let go of her chance to take them down.

There is nothing Suhayr values more than her foster mother's words, she values each moment spent with her. She is not cold hearted even though she is a bitch, she has feelings which she hates acknowledging as they render her helpless. Whenever she thought about being an orphan, she feels like the world is cruel and as soon as you start getting comfortable in it, something is going to be ripped away just like roses. When you get comfortable touching them, you will feel the pricks and it will hurt you bad since it wasn't expected.

She also loves taking charge of everything, she wants to be the boss at the top of everyone which she clearly won't get from the royalties. There is this ego all royals have that will make you feel small just like how Sa'eed made her feel when he walked through the doors of her company. His presence swallowed all her pride and thankfully, she didn't let her ego wander off unnecessary and use it just the way she should. She has hit the jackpot, no one can bring her down now, she is royalty.

If she takes them now with her, surely her rich husband could afford taking care of them in the Palace, right? They are only three, no problem there right? She will blackmail him somehow if he dare refuse to let them come with her, she can't leave them there knowing they could be thrown in the streets without money always thinking how to get more meal in their kitchen. This is her chance to help them like they did her when her mother died, she will help them.

Besides, they are her only family now. She never had one and now that she has, she will try her best to keep the tree growing. Aunt Urshia never made her feel uncomfortable around them, they are all like her children. Suhayr is the one who didn't want to give her a chance of becoming a mother, it's a space she can't share with anyone. She never showed her mother how much she loved her but she did, she has different ways of showing it.

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