60~ Struggled With Sobriety.

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"Why do you look like you are about to jump off a cliff? And why are you sitting so far away from me like that? And I thought you are hopelessly in love and waiting to sit next to me but now you make me feel like an alien." He teased, a cunning smile taking over his face while Suhayr only narrow her eyes at him from the other end of the table. She don't want to be any close to him, he will jumble her head again like he did earlier.

She also wanted to sit closer to him after what has transpired between them in the morning because she feels like they are a bit closer to each other now. But then, she can't just sit like that close to him, he will try doing something and her guard would crumble all over again like always. And now, he suddenly has the mouth to taunt her with words that will make any girl blush but not Suhayr, she won't give him the satisfaction of seeing her act like a woman in heat when she is not. It doesn't sound contingent to her own dull ears so she wasn't surprised when her subconscious start to web.

"Are you not?" Her subconscious mocked, making her grip onto the cutlery she took from the table, very tight. She admit it, she was woman on heat the night before.

"Nothing happened between us that will make me want to jump off the cliff, not even when you are all over me. And I will sit wherever I want, you shouldn't be concerned, I sit here all the time. Now let me eat in peace before I ruin the rest of your day." She dug her fork into her plate filled with suya pasta, she could see the suya meat surfing everywhere. The grinded sphere ball makes it all the more tasty before the tartar opened his mouth again to quell her appetite.

"Aw, you make me sound like a public nuisance, I'm just being a loving husband." He gave a wounded look, his eyes almost brimming with fake tears making her wonder if she is the only actor between them. If he wasn't like that before, she sure was an influence to him.

"Nah, I'm just surprised after finding out how you are. So you are also a great actor, aren't you?" She folded her arms underneath her chest with a detective eyes that will have everyone squirming. It wasn't flaming with anger but she is goading him up so he could talk, he would.

"No, I've just been with a great actress and I learned a thing or two." He shrugged, forking some of the pasta into his mouth. He moaned in exaggeration and Suhayr immediately close her thighs and narrowed her eyes to her plate. He is intentionally trying to reinvent something in her to torture her again.

"I only acted once or twice in front of you so don't blame me for nothing. Eat your food or you'll be late for work." She gave her whole attention to the food after that, she don't want to talk to him about what has happened earlier, not now or ever. Food is her top priority.

"I'm going, won't you accompany me to the door?" From her peripheral vision, she saw him standing up and adding his length to stand above her. This man has vowed to make her uncomfortable today but she won't let him go unscathed. He won't let her have the tasty yummy food to her heart's content, she will male him pay.

"How could I not?" Since she has finished her food, she stood up and started ferrying ahead of him but he quickly fell into steps with her and she could already see the brooding smile he is featuring without looking up at him. She feels whatever he does now, she don't get why or how the magic happens.

"A goodbye kiss?" He asked as they stand in front of the huge doors of the chamber, the guard has already opened it and she could see the burnishing stairs that lead down to his awaiting SUV with a driver? Whoa, the man is really living a luxurious life.

"You kissed me without my permission earlier so you can go and I didn't promise to be those dotty wives, did I?" She cross her ankles and lean the right side of her shoulder against the door comfortably and gave him a stinky eyes. If he thinks she will be all over him after what they shared earlier, he must be mistaken.

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