Volume 1: Chapter 1

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'I didn't know what I did in the past. I was always alone, with no one to depend on, no one to call family. When I turned sixteen, I was arranged to marry a mere Baron's son. He was also like me, born from a maid, but it was not meant to be. Finding his adulterous affair with my oldest sister.' Mila could recall it like any other memory in her head. She thought that perhaps she could finally be free and fall in love with the one person who could grow old with her and protect her.

"Get her! Don't let her tell anyone about this! We'll be found guilty!" Hearing her older sister, Mila tried running out of the home that she lived in with her husband.

"Ahhh!!!!" Her husband held the back of her hair. Being dragged back inside, she shook with fear feeling a rope tie around her neck. She couldn't breathe, struggling for air; she could only feel the rope around her neck as her vision went blank, having her realize they had killed her. She was strangled to death by her husband after four years of being married. Mila died when she just turned twenty.

Seeing her ghostly figure, she saw them burn her body to avoid suspicion. She wandered the home where she died only to find herself surrounded by the darkness of loneliness.

Mila didn't expect much, but she only wished to change her fate. Maybe, try and seek her freedom independently rather than depend on someone else for it. She recalled herself being somewhere dark, somewhere strange.

"This child is his!"

She heard a voice that she couldn't quite recall. 'Whose voice is that? It does not sound familiar.' It was a woman's voice. Mila couldn't think of anything at the moment. Letting her whole body stay still in place, she could not find the strength to move.

"How do you know it's his child?"

Hearing a voice that she didn't think she would listen to after such a long time; her father's voice. She couldn't open her eyes, but she didn't understand what was going on.

"This child is yours! I've been carrying it for over eight months!"

Mila assumed now that perhaps that woman's voice was her mother's. 'Did I get another chance? Was I granted another chance?' Mila asked herself, thinking about it more and more. There was a long pause and silence, making Mila fearful that she would die immediately.

"Very well. If the child does not have any features within the next month like the Noble family, it will be tossed out along with you. The most important part is the Noble surname symbol." Hearing her father say, Mila felt relief inside. She had to be alive till then to make her life worth living.

Mila could hear her mother getting all the luxury she wanted throughout the next month while she remained in her cocoon-like state. Mila hoped that her mother would not do anything to harm her. She had heard that her mother nearly killed her as an infant. It was getting close to her due date. She just continued to listen to her mother, but just one day, everything was in the hope that she would at least have the Noble surnames symbol this time.

Being born, she didn't cry since she had a twenty-year-old mind rather than an infant. Slowly opening her eyes, she looked around to see Sara. Her maid died by her sister's hands when Sara was in her twenties.

"Does she have any symbols?" Mila heard her mother ask Sara, who was at most, maybe in her early teens of thirteen at most. Sara had a glimpse onto Mila's back, seeing nothing, but Mila had the Duke's eyes.

"No," Sara said while Mila kept looking at Sara mainly. Her mother looked to Mila, who became a nuisance to her now. Mila knew her mother was still weak, but she would take her chances soon to get rid of her perhaps. "The Duke is waiting to see the child." Sara took Mila, who kept her eyes locked onto Sara's face.

Sara smiled, looking down at the newborn infant in front of her. "Does she have the birthmark?" Mila had a good glance at her father, who was looking directly at her. He saw her dark cyan eyes, which only belonged in the Noble family. The Noble Family had a bird's feather symbol at birth that would occur mainly on the backside of their body.

"No, she does not," Sara said with her gaze looking down and away from Duke Reynard. Mila turned her head to see her father more clearly for the first time. She would look away or to the floor like Sara and avoid eye contact back then.

"Are you sure she doesn't have the symbol?" Duke Reynard held his hand towards Mila, who grabbed his index finger. Mila just smiled as her infant self and knew she needed luck on her side at the moment. Shocking both Sara and Duke Reynard, who didn't think a child would move this quickly after birth and not even looking as tired yet.

'I must live!' Mila thought and wanted to be able to save her skin. She smiled, looking at Duke Reynard, who saw an infant's smile for the first time besides Leo. He felt his chest ease up and feel warm for the first time in a long time.

"Your grace? Your grace?" Sara had Duke Reynard come back to the main focus. He took his hand back and looked at Mila once more. "She still doesn't have a name yet." Sara pointed out, looking at Mila, who was still nameless when Mila knew what her name was going to be.

'Just now, the feeling of ease.' Duke Reynard thought and looked down to the infant, who was likely indeed his daughter. "Her name will be Mila. Since we are done here, make sure she is taken care of." Duke Reynard walked off while Sara smiled, looking down at Mila with a sigh of relief.

'Sara should be about thirteen right now.' Mila thought and figured that Sara had died young in her previous life. 'I'll make sure that you don't die this time.' Mila was going to make sure that Sara didn't die in this life and that she would live to her fullest. Being taken to her new room, Mila saw the entire decoration set up in her room were plain. Not the best, but it was well enough to live in.

Mila was put into the crib and saw the hanging decorations above her crib. Then she noticed three glowing lights, one being green, one being blue, and one being light white like snow.

"She's so cute!" The green one flickered excitedly.

"She is so young and small." The blue one spoke more casually.

"She is our master." The snow-colored one was more of a peaceful and easing tone.

Mila could hear the voices of the three orb lights that were glowing above her crib. Seeing the three, they had no form, just a glowing orb light. Mila mumbled but, of course, couldn't speak a single word.

"Mob? Ob?" (Orb? Orb?)

"She's trying to talk to us!" The green orb flicked once again.

"A child's eyes and senses are far sharper than adults." The blue orb scoffed after.

"We better leave now, or else we will be detected by someone." The snow-colored orb left first, with the others following after.

The three orbs disappeared off while Mila wanted to know more about the three orbs that had shown up. 'Who were they???' She thought, and clearly, she understood what they just said. Feeling tired, she decided to sleep it off.


A/N: It's strange to start another story, but I wanted to share this one that I've been working on for a while. I needed to get away from the Chinese theme for some time, so I hope you like the following chapters that I'll be publishing.

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