Chapter 28

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Mila wasn't allowed to go to school like her sisters who were allowed to, she had to remain at home and be homeschooled. Mila never understood why but she didn't mind since it kept her away from the unwanted drama that could've happened like it did in the past. Mila remembered back in her past life that she was sent to school before always being bullied either way for her status and how she was born from a commoner. Now she couldn't go since she had a scar on her face, but her father wanted to avoid her from the trouble that could occur. It made her glad to have her father's attention and love. Walking to the entrance, she stumbled upon Ambrose who was with another girl and another fellow boy. Both look to be older than Ambrose, including herself.

"Ambrose!" Mila ran seeing Ambrose who didn't seem to enjoy the two older children who joined him. She could somehow sense that he did not enjoy their company which she figured he felt as though they were in the way of them both.

"It's nice to meet you, Lady Mila. My name is Perry Graves. I am Ambrose's older brother." Perry had Cornell red hair and pastel blue eyes. Mila greeted him and looked at the beautiful girl next to him.

'I wonder if Ambrose looks like his older brother?' Mila did not know if brothers looked alike.

"My name is Iris Willis. I am merely a friend of Perry." Iris had fern green hair and cornflower blue eyes. Mila looked to them both, getting to know them would be good for herself unless Ambrose had other plans in mind.

"No, you are my fiancé remember." Perry said which Mila turned red not even knowing that those two were engaged thinking that they were still young. She didn't remember that part of her past life, feeling that she had completely changed a whole history.

"That was arranged by our mother's. It wasn't our choice to do so." Iris said annoyingly looking at Perry who had to say that line all the time when they met or introduced themselves to others.

"Nice to meet you all! I'm Mila Noble!" Mila smiled sweetly to them all while Ambrose just took her by the hand and started dragging her away with him.

"Hey! Don't hog her all to yourself!" Iris said with Perry following behind the three of them. Iris could see how Mila was making Ambrose act very differently with her around. She didn't think that Ambrose would be so protective of her.

All of them made it to the garden where Mila usually hung out with Ambrose. "Sara, bring some snacks." Mila had Sara smiling to see her with a few more friends than to be with the knights all the time. "Nice to meet you all again! Ambrose never mentioned anything about you both." Mila smiled seeing how Ambrose just sat silently while watching and listening to the entire thing.

"I figured he wouldn't tell you anything. He's my little brother so I do not have much to say. His own personal privacy is his own." Perry just sighed seeing how his little brother wouldn't even write him anything like he does with Mila.

"It's nice that I finally have a friend who is a girl. The only friends that I have are these two boys." Iris said, drinking the tea that was brought to them.

'That's right! Iris was known to be a lone wolf in some way. She hated the women and girls of the school that they once attended together. She had the plant ability and is known for her swordsmanship that she learnt in secret. This is a good friend to make.' Mila smiled inside knowing that this was a good chance to make Iris a friend and ally. "I have a lot of friends, but the only lady friend of mine is Sara, she is a bit older though. I finally have someone who's around my age group." Mila smiled looking over to Iris.

"Who do we have here?" Mila heard Vita with a few more footsteps coming. They all turned to see Vita, Elsie, Darren, along with the twin daughters of Duke Duncan. "You would actually want to be friends with this lowly maid born child." Vita said openly while the twins smirked to Mila.

"You all should already know us. I'm Ulva Duncan." Ulva was the first-born twin with midnight blue hair and Columbia blue eyes.

"I'm Vanness Duncan." The second born twin had midnight blue hair and baby blue eyes. "A maid born child. I wonder how you were able to live this far." She said laughing with her twin.

"Even if she is born from a maid, she still has the Noble blood in her." They all turned to see Leo standing there and looking to the bunch who he knew would be on Vita's side. "What are you all doing here?" He asked to block Mila from them.

"Always there to protect her. One day, you won't be able to protect her anymore." Darren said. Smiling to Leo who went forth towards Darren without a glance. Holding Darren by the throat, Leo knew that Darren was trying to just tick him off.

"Leo!" Mila got out of her chair not wanting Leo to get into trouble. She held onto his sleeve not wanting things to get out of hand. Leo didn't want Mila to think of him differently.

Leo dropped Darren down, hearing him cough on the ground for air. "Don't let me see either of you in front of me." Leo looked at Vita's group with a strong deadly aura which shook everyone's spine besides Mila.

"This isn't over!" Vita said walking ahead, she was the head of the group which Mila expected.

Mila went over to Leo holding his hand, "It's okay. They won't hurt me." Mila smiled looking up to Leo who knelt down rubbing her head. Seeing how his baby sister was still so small.

"Such a cute brother and sister bond!" Iris said out loud and looked at Ambrose and Perry. "Why isn't your brotherly love like this?" Iris saw how both brothers just looked away from another with Iris pointing it out like a lesson to both.

Leo had walked back to the table where everyone was at. "It's nice to see you again, Perry."

"We both finished school a year early and here we are. It seems as though we can't even be apart for that long either." Perry smiled, shaking hands with Leo.

"You both know each other?" Mila looked at them both not even knowing.

"Yeah, we met in school when this knuckle head got himself locked in the gym." Leo said, which Perry laughed remembering how their first encounter was.

"We fought for a while, but soon came to terms and that's how our friendship started." Perry said knowing that it was the truth.

Mila had her mouth like an O and nodded her head. "It's good that Leo has a friend, but I keep telling him that he needs to find someone soon." Mila started drinking the tea placed in front of her.

"Awww, that's sweet. At least there's someone who's trying to watch over her big brother." Iris looked to Ambrose who looked away annoyed that they had to join him.

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