Chapter 61

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"Skye, are you awake?" Mila was by herself standing near the lake that they camped at.

[I'm sorry. I am still exhausted. I have to gather mana since I had to create a barrier for myself.] Skye did sound exhausted from it all.

[Skye will get better. She needs a little time, that is all.] Vivian spoke out smiling to see that one of her friends was finally united with her. Allowing them both to finally talk things out and finding their last friend.

"I'm glad that we are all coming together. Makes me really happy. Are you sure that Kate is in Asiradda Kingdom?"

[I'm pretty sure. She is an ice element and ice elements tend to stay near where it's adaptable for them.] Skye yawned after. [Asiradda kingdom is mainly a water element, but it still contains a certain forest which is adaptable for her.]

"Alright, we need to rest. We'll talk more in the morning." Mila headed back to snuggle with Cotton and Net who were warm enough for her. 'The travel to Asiradda Kingdom is going to be a long one. It'll likely take about a year or two to reach it.' Pushing the thought of her time limit back. The couples were obviously together while Mila then thought of ZH. Smiling in her sleep, she hoped to meet him when she was more grown.


"Ambrose, are you going to join us?" Perry looked to see his little brother still on his own. "Come on. When are you going to come out of your shell? There's still a lot of ladies out there besides Mila." Ambrose created sharp crystals that he formed by hand which flew towards Perry who immediately shut the doors to their mansion library hearing the crystals stab halfway through the door. "I was just trying to cheer you up!" Perry did not think that his younger brother would be so fond of one lady of the kingdom.

"That type of 'cheering' is not even helpful. You cannot cheer someone up like that when they have those types of feelings." Iris was there and saw the whole thing happen right before her. 'No one can change another's deep feeling for that person.'

"You didn't bother to give me a hand." Perry did not understand why Iris would just stand there and watch the entire thing happen to him.

"No, brothers are supposed to be close." Iris walked off going ahead without Perry who hurried along to Iris's side.

Ambrose listened to the two from the outside who then left him alone in his studies. He felt alone knowing that nothing was ever the same since Mila left but he did hold a secret of two. Opening his hand, he held a ribbon made of silky purple hair. "Mila, what will you do when you find out the truth?"


"How long will you really be gone?" Prince Leroy looked up to the night sky seeing how it felt like time was taking too long.

"Why do you look up to the night sky every night?" Lana went up to him pointing out that he would always stare up to the sky when night came. 'He is perhaps thinking about another during this time.'

"It's nothing." Prince Leroy didn't want to share such a story to another.

Lana figured that he wouldn't tell her, and she even knew that he didn't truly love her. She was just a replacement for the other who was in his heart.


Leo was out scouting the towns that had progressed well over the time that Mila had left them. Seeing how everyone was more peaceful with no poverty or worry. Seeing the children run around freely, he smiled to see what his little sister had been doing.

'Mila, what are you doing right now? It's a shame that I can't be with you to help.' Not even paying attention to the running people in front of him. Someone had bumped into his chest as they fell back hitting the ground.

"O-Ouch..." Hearing a woman's voice, Leo saw ice blue hair and regal indigo eyes.

"Hey! Get her!"

"Please! Help me!" She got up on her feet begging Leo who didn't know why but he took her by the hand helping her. Dragging her with him, he found her dress an issue which was dragging them behind. Carrying her instead, he had taken them into a small hidden alleyway. Hiding inside, they heard the voices and footsteps of the men who were chasing the woman running off. "Are they gone?"

Leo waited with the girl as they no longer heard the men. Getting out, he had the woman stand back on her feet. "Why were they running after you?"

"I was only telling them that they were scamming others for their products which were not even real or worth anything." The woman said looking down feeling as though she was at fault for involving Leo. "Sorry, I shouldn't get others involved."

"What were they selling?" Leo decided to not make her feel any guilt.

"They were selling 'diamonds', but they are fake." The woman was obviously holding a high determination that the diamonds were fake. She was not going to let such people sell fake diamonds for such high prices.

"Fake diamonds?"

"Yes! I am the daughter of a famous jewelry seller, Baron John Kinney so I know what is real and what is fake." The women held a look which reminded Leo of Mila when she was determined to prove herself.

"Your Luce Kinney then?" Leo looked down to realize that her family was one of the most famous businessmen. They were well known for their jewelry and knowing if it was fake or not. "Since you were recently chased by men then I'll have a carriage ready to take you home." Leo was about to leave when Luce took him by the sleeve.

"Can you escort me home? I don't trust anyone right now." Luce said giving a concerned look away since she was still afraid of the men who would try to find her.

Leo sighed and took her by the hand. "Let's go then." He never thought that he would be holding another woman's hand or even helping one besides his little sister. 'How troublesome.'

"What's your name by the way?" Leo had them both in a carriage on the way to Luce's home.

"I am Leo Noble. It's an honor to make your acquaintance."

"Y-Your Duke Reynard's oldest son!!!!" Luce was just so shocked to have encountered a man that rarely anyone meets. Along with seeing how handsome he was which no lady got much chance to admire.

"Yes, shocking." The carriage stopped which they were now at Baron John Kinney's mansion. "It would be best that you go now, Lady Luce. You wouldn't want to worry your father."

Before Luce was about to fully step out of the carriage. "Umm... will we meet again?" She questioned him.

"...Maybe." Leo didn't know what the future held, but he wasn't sure if they would meet or not.

"Then, it was nice to make your acquaintance, Lord Leo." Luce walked out while Leo felt a bit upset that she left.

The carriage had already started moving while Leo thought of Luce. "She reminds me a lot of you, Mila." He smiled remembering how Mila would try to prove one's mistake or wrong. "Till we meet again, Luce Kinney."

-End of Volume 1-

*** - For advanced chapters

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