Chapter 48

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Waking up, Mila yawned, stretching her arms apart and feeling her bones pop to be stretched. Seeing that no one was around, Mila figured that they may have already gotten up for breakfast. Getting up and dressed, she started her way down to see that everyone was waiting for her. "You're finally up." Sara went over brushing her hair back a little.

"Yeah, let's go find something to eat first." Mila headed out with everyone as they made it to a little simple tavern. "Not too bad."

Entering inside, a man was tossed into their direction. Emmett held Sara in his arms and away from the doors. Mila had pulled Thelma on the other side of the door while the man was thrown out from a far distance. "Oh! Sorry you had to see that! It's the usual thing around here mostly when your customers cannot listen to you." They turned to see a young lady who smiled and was likely the one who had tossed the man out.

"You won't get away with this!!! I'll be back!!!" He said looking at the woman who had tossed him out.

"He'll be fine. What can I get for you unknown folks?" She asked with her small tavern barely opening.

They all went to sit down where the counters were built. Mila sat in the center with Thelma on her left. Sara and Emmett sat together on her right. "I'll have your special." Sara didn't want to make it too hard.

"I'll have the same." Emmett said after.

"Just get me a roasted steak." Thelma said next which Mila had noticed her appetite had grown well. When she first met Thelma, she was in a worse condition.

"What about the little lady?" The woman asked Mila.

"I'll have a special also." Mila didn't care as long as she got to eat.

"Alright! Honey! Three specials and one roasted steak!" The woman yelled out getting them drinks. "I'm Anne by the way. The cook back there is my husband, El."

"Yo!" He said from the back.

"Are you folks' travelers?" Anne asked, looking at the four of them. Cotton then got hopped out and onto the countertop.

"You can say that." Mila responded casually.

"Cotton?! You shouldn't be on the table." Sara didn't want any of their food to get ruined if her leafy figure got in it.

"Oh! What an adorable little beast. Here, has a cookie." Anne gave a hand size cookie to Cotton who happily ate it.

"Cotton, don't forget to thank her." Cotton heard Mila and nodded. Cotton bowed to Anne who was smiling.

"Is she your beast?" Anne asked Mila.

"No, she decided to join us when her home and family were gone. We allowed it and so far, she is a great friend and family of ours now." Mila petted Cotton's head who purred in return.

"Really? That's rare to see such a creature follow you when it makes no contract." Anne liked the little beast who was eating happily and had manners. "Here's your food!" Anne handed them all their food.

Before they could even get a bite. "I said that I would be back!!!" Hearing the same man, they all knew that it was going to get messy. "Hehe... you can't defeat me now. I'm ordering you all to destroy this place and take that woman hostage!"

Mila saw how it was very unfair, there were six men that he had on his side against one woman and her husband. "Cotton, you know what to do." Mila held her sword taking it out along with Emmett taking it out. Cotton stuck close to Sara and Thelma protecting them at all costs.

"Miss, would you like this done quickly?" Emmett asked, seeing how Mila was radiating anger from her small form.

"Please do. I would like to get back to eating soon." Mila sighed seeing how her morning was getting rough.

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