Chapter 60

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"Stop trying to do everything alone!" ZH wanted to stop her and so he snapped once she tried to leave his side again.

"ZH?" Mila felt her heart drop to see how much she had been hurting him again. Holding his hand, she smiled wanting him to no longer feel worried. "Let's go together this time."

Casting the spell, they had their disguises back on with their full masks. Going in, they secretly hid in the cargo which was being taken in. Once they were inside, ZH too they top off with Mila following behind him. Rushing to find the right path, they couldn't stand still once they reached a certain room. ZH took Mila and hid in the dark corner where they could hear beasts crying.

[You wretched humans!!!]

[You will gain nothing from this!!!]

[We will kill every one of you!!!]

Mila felt tears once she saw the beast's mana being absorbed into the stones. The hunters only held a smile while Mila wanted to hurry and get rid of them. ZH held her back since they could not go against all of them at once.

"That takes care of the rest of the beasts here. We need to gather more soon after."

"What about the egg?"

"It's probably already dead. No one has been able to get that beast out of the shell."

Hearing the few leave, Mila rushed out looking to see the egg. Mila could see that it was still safe and fine. She went forth and stretched her hand forth and cried. "Skye..." She said looking to see that she was still fine. "Can you hear me?" Mila called out feeling a heartbeat after.

[Mila? Is it really you?]

Mila couldn't help but cry even more to see how Skye was still fine. "It's me. I'm okay. It's time for us to finally be together." Mila smiled looking down to see how hard Skye must have worked to survive.

[I agree.] Skye had then slowly started turning into tiny bits as she soon went into Mila's body. Mila didn't know why but her chest felt lighter.

"Hey! They took the egg!!!"

ZH and Mila knew that they were in trouble. "This is no time to stand still." ZH took Mila by the hand as they started running off from another path. Seeing the hunters at the front, ZH went forth kicking them both while Mila kicked the extra that came in.

ZH and Mila nodded to another and started running once more. Mila had then felt something wrap onto her ankle which she fell down. Not even allowed a moment to pause, she was dragged back while ZH threw his shirt dagger to the man who was trying to drag her back. Carrying Mila, they both made it out of the base where they saw many of the Mana Hunters. "ZH..." Mila held onto him tightly as they were surrounded.

"Don't worry." ZH held onto her creating a barrier around them both.

Mila could feel the pressure of the hunters all hitting them with each element. ZH then started coughing out blood which shook Mila to see blood fall down onto her clothes. "ZH?" Mila could feel tears starting to fall down as she looked at him with worry.

"I'm okay. This won't kill me." ZH didn't want Mila to think it was her fault. It had all stopped at once which confused Mila and ZH.

"You two brats don't know how much I wanted to murder you both!!!!" They heard Aiken in the distance which had them both see how much hunters he was taking down. "You're lucky that I'm taking all my anger out on these guys!!!!" Seeing all of the hunters fly off within seconds.

Both Mila and ZH stood shocked to see how easy it was for Aiken to easily defeat so many from using his anger. Mila then snapped back not wanting ZH to carry her. "I'm okay. You need to rest." Mila held ZH's hand worriedly as he took the barrier off. ZH knew it was only in good intentions that Mila wanted him to avoid carrying her.

Both just watched Aiken take out all of his anger in the hunters who were trying to run away.

"Should we just catch the hunters?" Aiken's men were confused with the question of whether to help or not.

Aiken's men watched their emperor take all the fun and action while they decided to just arrest the criminals.

"Let's go back. You need to be healed." Mila took ZH by the hand as they made their way back, letting Aiken's anger cool off.

"I thought he would be fine by the end of the week." Vere sighed seeing how the bottle of anger was just opening up for Aiken.


ZH had fallen asleep once Tim had healed him since he had used too much mana. Before ZH had fallen asleep, he was able to see something worth it. Once Tim had left the room with ZH resting.

"Goodnight. Rest well." Mila had kissed him on the head before leaving his room.

It was morning, ZH smiled remembering the kiss, he soon got up going to the guest room which Mila stayed in. Opening up, he didn't see her anywhere when it was still early morning. Seeing only a glowing butterfly once more. It flew over to him and had letters appearing out once more.

'I've stayed long enough in Maedda Kingdom. I thank his majesty for letting us stay here. ZH, take care of yourself until we meet again.' - Mila

ZH smiled knowing that she would just leave without telling him. "That silly girl. I might as well leave before he wakes up." ZH opened the window and hopped out leaving a letter also for Aiken.


"Those idiots!!!! They should have repaid for all of the damages that they made a week ago!!!! How many times must they escape me!!!!" Aiken was wide awake and looking at both letters.

"You used up most of your mana last night catching and stopping those Mana Hunters so you would be the last one awake." Vere knew that this would happen.

"Vere, how is the issue with the Mana Hunters?" He decided to try and calm down and focus on another subject.

"That was only one of their bases. There is still more which we have yet to find the main one. They will not tell us where it is located and kill themselves to hide it."

Aiken knew that they needed to find the main location but with the war going on they couldn't do so yet. 'We can't find their main base yet.'

"I almost forgot to mention, but Tim had already handed in his resignation letter and left." Vere brought up the topic.

"Eehhh!!!! Where did he go?!"

"I think he left to be with the love of his life." Vere made Aiken more irritated to see how calm Vere said it.


"Tim, why did you want to come with us?" Mila looked at Tim who looked at her.

"Let's just say I grew a bit attached." Tim blushed slightly while holding Thelma's hand.

Mila couldn't believe that they were all finding someone. 'I feel like I'm a matchmaker here.' Mila didn't expect it but as long as they were all happy. "Alright! Next stop is the Asiradda Kingdom!"

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