Chapter 73

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Mila quickly rushed inside and shut the doors of her room balcony since she felt very embarrassed with the action that she had just done. "Mila?! Mila?! What does this mean?! Is there something you're not telling me now?!" ZH was calling out from her bedroom balcony, but she quickly pulled the curtains blocking anyone from seeing inside of her room and from seeing her.

[Mama, you finally kissed papa!] Kate said, which Mila just hopped onto the bed hugging one of her pillows to hide her flushed red face. She blushed before going ahead to sleep for the rest of the night since she had to leave soon.


"She is a strange woman no matter how I think of it. Making my mind confused all at once from just that small peck." ZH said, going through the balcony doors like a ghost. "She completely forgot that I could just go through things like a ghost." He went over to see Mila's sleeping face, she laid in her bed fully at ease.

Kate had sensed someone in the room that was not the beasts or Mila's people, she woke up wagging her tail and looking at ZH. [Pa-]

"Shh..." ZH didn't want Kate to wake up Mila who had just fallen asleep not too long ago. Once again, he kissed Mila's head and petted Kate's head, seeing how their 'first' child was bringing them both closer together.


Mila yawned seeing how they were finally going back and she barely had much sleep since she felt like her thoughts of ZH were getting more and more different from friends. They had gotten up early while Kayla had handed them a lot of supplies for their journey. She even went as far as to help them with a different route to make the trip quicker to reach their destination. 'I didn't think that she would give us a route that takes at least a year. It took two years for us to make it here.' She then recalled what Kayla told her before they left.

"When we meet again, then I'll give you a surprise of your life. I'm sure that you will love it." Kayla smirked, making Mila think Kayla just wanted them to meet again since she was almost like Kayla's very first friend.

Mila had Skye and Vivian called back to hide away to avoid any Mana Hunters from sensing them while Kate stuck around her since she still held little mana that needed to build up during the time. [Mama, how come you are not with papa?] Kate started to ask, seeing how ZH and Mila were not traveling together.

Mila sighed, feeling as though this was going to scar Kate for her entire life if she said that they were not her real parents. "Let's just say that we will meet him later." She didn't want Kate to keep thinking that ZH was her father while she was her mother so she was hoping Kate would soon grow out of it. Yet, Mila did not know that it was not going to happen anytime soon in the future.


Duke Reynard had just finished the meeting with the emperor that was about the upcoming war that they were not prepared for. It seems as though the emperor was getting more and more anxious about the war now that the time is running out for us. Not only that, the emperor had been getting sick causing him to be bedridden for days without much cure or help in it.

Duke Reynard waited for his carriage and then met Duke Garrick once again. "What brings you here?" Duke Reynard didn't know why Duke Garrick always met up with him after certain meetings.

"Just for casual talk. I heard that your youngest daughter will be returning next year. I'll be hoping for her return and good results for the cure for her scar." Duke Garrick left in his carriage with Duke Reynard looking at him.

'What goes through that man's head? He makes it seem as though our families are already in-laws.' Duke Reynard had then walked forth to his carriage where he sat down inside, waiting for his son to sit in the same carriage as him. Leo had then entered inside of the carriage after a discussion with the emperor of theirs. "What did that emperor want this time?" Duke Reynard still didn't like the emperor since he wasn't one known well for war but only for taking women from any marriageable age.

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