Chapter 47

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Mila woke up looking once again at the ceiling. She felt as though she had the never-ending nightmare that she didn't want to recall. She felt as though she hadn't had a decent sleep for some time. Recalling back to the time when she was killed by the one man who was supposed to protect her and be with her. 'I'm glad that I won't be seeing that man anytime soon.' Mila thought, holding her head with annoyance and stress.

Seeing how everyone was still sleeping, Mila didn't want to disturb them when it was still so early in the morning. 'I'll get a bit of fresh air.' Mila got out of her bed, seeing Emmett holding Sara in their sleep sharing the same bed. 'This point, these two should just get married already.' Cotton and Thelma were sleeping together on the same bed leaving Mila with her own.

Looking out to the early morning, no one was awake. She hopped onto the rooftop making sure to wear her mask and cloak to conceal her identity. Feeling the wind, her hair was pushed back with the wind passing through it. Sitting down at the ledge, she just watched the sun slowly rising up.

"May I sit next to you?" Mila had detected someone, but they were of no threat. Hearing footsteps approaching her, she didn't know who the fellow man was. It didn't even bother her since she was still close to the inn. "Not much of a talker? Or tired?" He asked her this time.

Mila looked to see the man sitting next to her wearing a common plain mask which covered his entire face. Reminding Mila, a bit about Ambrose, she didn't want to think about him at the moment though.

"I would say the second one." Mila turned back looking at the sun.

"You have no clue who I am?" He questioned Mila not even wanting to care unless he wanted her to ask him.

"I do not ask anyone for their privacy unless they want me to." Mila heard him laughing beside her which she didn't think a stranger she met would be so friendly. Back on the journey in the Mireraweth kingdom, it wasn't very friendly with many people that they had seen cold and heartless with greed.

Mila only knew of Rustmount and Hollowglen as the only town with the nicest people. Within the two seasons that they had traveled, Mila had felt more like her mind was maturing more and more with her no longer being the cheerful and carefree girl like before. With the new places and dangers that she encountered made her think more and more about the future for many.

"Why is a little girl like you on the roof anyway? Are you a traveler here?" He asked Mila who preferred not to give away too many details.

"You can say that. Also, the roof can be for anyone to get on depending on how dedicated they are to see the sky." Mila looked to see the stars barely while the sun was taking longer than usual to come up.

"Pfft..." Seeing the man hold back a laugh. "You remind me of someone who I truly hold dear to me. She said the same words like you did when it came to rooftops." He said looking over to Mila.

"Would you like to tell me?" Mila wanted to ask out of boredom and out of curiosity.

"Sure, we both met since our father's knew each other. They were basically raised like brothers. I met her one day at an open garden. She was childish, but she was trying to get on the roof, and she landed on me. That day, we started meeting each other more than one would think."

Mila listened but there was a somewhat sad tone in his voice. She could tell since she had come to understand with those around her. "What happened to her?" Mila asked not knowing if it was the right question.

"She was taken from me. I will fight to get her back. She is meant to be my one and only em-" Mila heard him stop talking and wondered why he had stopped.

"Your one and only?" Mila didn't know if he wanted to finish, and he just nodded. "That's nice. If you love her just as much as she loves you, then fight for her. I'm rooting for you!" Mila jumped up from sitting down and looked at him. "Mister, why do you wear such a mask?" She decided to ask since she figured they didn't have all morning to talk.

"If I answer that, then will you answer my question?" He wanted it almost like a bargain.

"Deal." Mila shook on it allowing him to see her smile since her mask right now wasn't her disguise one.

"I always have to wear a mask. It runs in the family. I can't allow anyone to see my face." He said that Mila felt as though she had heard about it before. She just couldn't recall anything about it. "So, what's yours about?" He asked her.


"Your mask? Why do you wear one?" Seeing his curiosity in her. She found it fair to ask.

"I have a scar on my face." Mila remembered that she was not supposed to be ashamed to show it, but it was necessary when it covered her eyes also. She had dark cyan eyes which only belonged to the Noble family.

"I see. I won't ask also since you probably don't want me to know. Well, until we meet again... what's your name?" He was about to jump off the roof.

"If we meet again, then I'll tell you my name." Mila had her lip form a smile and looked at him.

"Hahaha!!!! You never cease to amaze me. You're a strange one." He said jumping off from the roof with Mila returning to her room.


"Your majesty?! You shouldn't be wandering around at this time of night! You should be handling matters!" The masked man entered his bed chamber from the balcony. "Where did you go this time?!" His assistant was in deep anger wanting to know since he ended up stuck with the entire paperwork.

"I met a little fairy that's all." He answered back while his assistant was still mad.

"What do you mean?!" His emperor removed his mask which he screamed, turning his face away before he saw it. "You must always be sure to tell me when you're removing your mask!!! You know the reason!!!"

"I know. Such a curse has my fate sealed to never allow the Maedda emperor, empress, and their children to remove a mask. This curse has run through for generations." The Maedda emperor changed his mask which belonged to the royal Blake family. "How is my sister?"

"Today, she encountered a thief who stole her bag." The assistant cautiously waited for his emperor to have the mask on.

"Is she alright?"

"Yep! There was a child that caught the thief." The assistant mentioned which made the emperor think of the child he just met.

"...It can't be her." He said openly with his confused assistant.


"Nothing, let's get to work. We must prepare for three years." The emperor gave a serious look pulling his cloak on with his assistant following behind him.

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