Meeting Your Family (All THH Characters)

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Happy (late) Valentine's Day everyone! 💖

Doing this scenario where they meet your family now (as suggested by Im_just_here_simpin). Got some requests up next so stay tuned!

Comment here with any more requests!


Makoto Naegi

You have two younger siblings, a ten-year-old brother and a seven-year-old sister. Your dad is a teacher, and your mom owns her own daycare (you and your siblings spent a lot of time there growing up). Your family is very tight-knit and you told them basically everything.

Makoto's family was also very close, so you had no worries when it came to him meeting yours- and you were right, he fit in perfectly. Your parents adored him, your siblings really liked him, and he told you he felt right at home with your folks- it couldn't have gone better.

Byakuya Togami

Your mom died when you were a kid, and your dad has been a single father ever since. Despite his stressful job as a businessman, he was still by your side throughout your entire childhood, and you were very close to him as a result.

You were very nervous when it came to him meeting Byakuya. Your dad was not a big fan of his family (even though they worked together in business a lot), and you had no idea what his reaction would be when you told him you were dating one of them.

When you brought Byakuya to your home, your dad's eyebrows nearly raised off his head when he saw the blonde heir standing next to you, his only child. Your heart sank when you saw his expression, but you were surprised yourself when your dad turned on his businessman charm and introduced himself to Byakuya. Your boyfriend was less icy than usual when talking to your dad, which you appreciated, and your worries eased up a little.

At one point, your dad pulled you aside and asked if you were dating him for his money. You sighed and said no, he wasn't as bad as he seemed, and that you genuinely liked him. Your dad shrugged and said if Byakuya was good enough for you, he was good enough for him.

Yasuhiro Hagakure

Your family is very spiritual, which is where you got your love of ghost hunting in the first place. Your father is a kannushi and your mother is a theology professor and strong believer in the paranormal. You and your siblings grew up hearing stories ranging from urban legends to tales from religious texts, and you always wanted to figure out if there were things out there that humans didn't always understand.

Your siblings felt similarly. Your eighteen-year-old sister wanted to follow in your father's footsteps and become a kannushi, and your two younger siblings (a thirteen-year-old brother and eleven-year-old sister) both wanted to work at NASA and find proof of alien life.

Your mother's first reaction to meeting Hiro was to ask about his hair, which made you snicker. Your father gave him a respectful introduction, but later asked you why Hiro smelled so strange.... which you didn't have a clear answer to. Your older sister knew who he was and asked what it was like being a fortune teller. Hiro said, "It's cool, man" which made you want to face palm. Your younger siblings heard that he's a fortune teller, and according to them, it made him the coolest person they knew, officially usurping the title you had for years.

When you and Hiro left that night to go back to school, he made a remark about how at home he felt with your family. It warmed your heart, and you joked that maybe fate (or the Ghost of Christmas Future) had brought you two together.

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