Meeting Your Family (All V3 Characters)

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Sorry about the wait, I got burnt out on writing, so I took a break.

Next scenario will probably be "when they get jealous"

Comment here with any more requests!


Shuichi Saihara

Your family is pretty poor which is what led to you becoming a thief in the first place. It didn't help that you're the second of five kids (your parents apparently don't know what condoms are). It was hard enough when it was just you and your older brother, but when your two sisters and youngest brother came along, it got harder.

But of course, your familial problems didn't end there- you see, love is a strange and sometimes funny thing.... you realized this when you began dating the boy who sent you to jail. You forgave him since you knew he was just doing what he thought was right, but you knew your parents wouldn't be so charitable.

Unfortunately, your suspicions were proven correct when you met up with them at a restaurant (that Shuichi insisted he pay for) and your parents were nothing short of rude. Your older brother was nice to Shuichi since he was apparently more mature than your parents, but your younger siblings were annoying as hell- crawling under the table, throwing food, and making snide comments to your boyfriend at your parents' request.

It was nothing short of a disaster with your parents leaving early and quietly telling you to "pick someone better" and you begged Shuichi to let you pay the bill since the meeting went so bad, but he refused, comforting you and telling you that in your case, the apple fell very far from the tree, and that he'd be more than happy to deal with your family if it meant being with you.


It always made sense in your mind to become a dentist- both your parents are, and your paternal grandparents were also both dentists. Your parents never pressured you to be a dentist, but you thought it would be a good idea to continue the L/N family business- plus, dentistry could always use brilliant minds like you.

Your parents liked to be prepared and stay ahead of the curve, something they were not expecting however, was for you to walk through their front door with a robot boyfriend. Your dad jumped right into polite conversation with Keebo, but your mom took a little bit to warm up to him- she wasn't mean or anything, just taken aback.

Keebo was his usual self around him- polite but still a little behind when it came to humans and their hobbies and language- when your dad said something about "burying his head in the sand" Keebo asked why he would do something so strange, which made both your parents laugh and you shake your head in shame- you taught him better than this!

The night ended pretty okay, with your parents joking that you better prepare for cyborg kids, and asking if he knew what kissing was, which made you give them the biggest death glare you could muster, causing them to laugh once again.

Rantaro Amami

Like with his family, he already knew yours extremely well. Your parents were not at all surprised to hear that you and Rantaro were dating, and sent him a letter at school congratulating him which was equal parts sweet and embarrassing. You had a couple of siblings (five in total) and they all sent Rantaro a present each- they ranged from an expensive ship in a bottle from your older sister to a rock with Rantaro's face painted on it from your youngest brother. It was nice that your family was so welcoming to Rantaro, he was basically part of the family anyway.

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