What You Do For Halloween (All THH Characters)

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Set-Up: Spooky season is upon us! What do you and your partner do to celebrate Halloween?

Requested by: Zander_tmh_mobile and -Peko_Pekoyama-

Happy spooky month everyone! Halloween is my favorite holiday, so I had fun writing these!

By the way, don't take me assigning the reader a certain costume as me saying you have to be a certain gender (like if I say you're dressed up like Cinderella, you're not necessarily a girl) costumes to me are gender neutral. That's all, I hope you enjoy.

Comment here with any more requests!


Makoto Naegi

Your parents got caught up with work during Halloween, so they asked you if you'd be willing to take your siblings trick-or-treating. You wanted to hang out with Makoto, so you asked him if he'd be willing to tag along. Turns out, Makoto had made plans with Komaru, so he asked her about it. After a little while of going back and forth, it ended up being a sort of double date/babysitting gig involving you, Makoto, Komaru, and Komaru's girlfriend/your classmate, Toko.

Four chaperones proved to be much better than one considering the fact that your siblings get super rowdy on Halloween. They ran from house to house, getting as much candy as they could. The four of you netted a good amount of candy yourselves as you watched the kids, talking amongst yourselves, and occasionally jumping after being scared by some particularlly horrifying decorations. It was almost eight by the time you all finished, and you, your boyfriend, siblings, and friends were all thoroughly exhausted- luckily you got lots of candy to cushion the blow.

What did you dress up as?: You, Makoto, Komaru, and Toko went trick-or-treating as the four Ghostbusters.

Byakuya Togami

Byakuya was not the type to go to parties or even really celebrate holidays, but you managed to smooth-talk him into going to a Halloween party with you. At first he refused to dress up, but you convinced him again by using the power of your lips.... you loved using your charisma to get him to do fun things with you.

The party was a somewhat laid-back. It wasn't a rager or anything, but you still had a lot of fun dancing, shoving chips and pretzels in your mouth, drinking the fruity punch (that was spiked, but you didn't realize it), and talking with your friends. Byakuya was being a stick in the mud as usual, and you had to literally drag him onto the dance floor to slow dance with you. You could tell he liked doing it though, based on the way his tone softened when you asked him if he was having fun.

What did you dress up as?: Byakuya wasn't going to wear a costume at first, but after a little persuasion, you got him to dress up with you as different versions of Richie Rich (Byakuya was the Macaulay Culkin movie version, and you were the comic book version).

Yasuhiro Hagakure

On Halloween, you and your older sister like to go visit haunted places together. Unfortunately, she was busy this year, and since you didn't want to give Hiro a heart attack by subjecting him to real ghosts, you took him to one of those haunted attractions so he can be scared by fake ghosts instead.

The haunted attraction was fairly cheap to get into (twenty bucks per person) and it was very dark inside- you could barely see! While you were squinting in the dark, Hiro was acting like his normal chill self at first, but when the first actor popped out to scare you (a dude wearing a clown costume) Hiro lost his shit. The rest of your time in the attraction consisted of you trying to see what was in front of you, while Hiro kept screaming his head off every time there was a jumpscare. You aren't easily spooked, but a couple of the actors got a good scare out of you, as well.

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