Sharing Secrets (All Characters)

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Set-Up: Some secrets can be a burden to hold on to. What secret does your partner tell you or vice versa?

Surprise! Here's the secret. It wasn't requested by anyone, just an idea I've been sitting on for a while that I thought needed to be done at some point for the sake of the fic's universe.

MASSIVE CONTENT WARNING BTW- this chapter is gonna have a lot of dark themes in it including domestic violence, kidnapping, murder, abuse, and many more. For the ones that have warnings, I'll put an individual warning under the character's name. Some of them are light-hearted though, so enjoy those while you can.

Up Next: What You Do For Halloween

Comment here with any requests! Got some more lined up after the Halloween one.


Makoto Naegi

Makoto let it slip once while half-asleep that he wet his bed until he was ten years old. You had to stop yourself from bursting into hysterical laughter after hearing this come out of his mouth at four in the morning when you got out of bed to go the bathroom. Now you'll keep that secret to yourself until an opportunity comes along to tease him for it.

Byakuya Togami

You've heard tales of the Togami family and what it took to become the official heir, but didn't know the full extent until Byakuya laid it all out to you. He also added on that he had no desire to continue the family tradition. You were glad to hear that since the thought of your boyfriend hoeing around and getting a bunch of people pregnant was not something you wanted him doing- also making your future kids fight over being the Togami heir is also something you're very much against, so you're glad you two were on the same page.

Yasuhiro Hagakure

As a ghost hunter and a member of a very spiritual family, you weren't scared of spirits. Hiro, on the other hand, was very scared of the paranormal (something you've always found to funny since the dude's talent is reading fortunes). What you didn't expect him to say is that he thought you were a ghost when he first met you. You asked him to clarify since you had no idea he felt like that, and he said that when you told him you're the Ultimate Ghost Hunter, he thought you were an actual ghost trying to trick him, but after he saw you eat some cotton candy, he knew you were alive since ghosts can't eat. You have no idea whether to laugh or not, and just told him that he shouldn't worry about ghosts hurting him- you'll make sure to keep him safe.

Leon Kuwata

CW- Stalking and light incest I guess?

Remember when Leon forbid you from meeting his cousin? Well, one day you found to stones to ask why, and he explained everything to you- his cousin, Kanon Nakajima, has been in love with him for over a decade and had stalked him before when she got jealous of him pursuing other people. This revelation was a big shock to you, and you asked if she still did those things. Leon said he didn't think so, and that he hasn't spoken to her for a while. Unfortunately, this put you in a paranoid state for a while since you're a nervous person normally, and the threat of an incestuous stalker was enough to make anyone freak out.

Chihiro Fujisaki

CW- Bullying and a pinch of sexism

When he got comfortable enough to share his big secret, he asked you to meet him in his dorm to talk. You agreed, thinking he had something important to tell you- and it was important. Chihiro confessed that he was bullied a lot as a kid for being "weak" (he's anything but weak to you) and that he adopted a feminine appearance and pretended to be a girl so people wouldn't make fun of him anymore. He was outed by a distant relative of his, and he considered disappearing from the public eye forever since he thought he'd be shamed, but he discovered that being a small, shy, femme guy netted him a lot of fans- and a lot meant a lot. He was shocked by the positive attention he got, and started referring to himself as male again, but kept dressing in more feminine clothes since he actually grew to love the look.

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