New Character: Yasuke Matsuda

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Requested by: IlovePusheensomuch

Haven't read DR: Zero, but I tried to write Yasuke the best I could, I hope I did okay.

Comment here with any more requests!

How You Met/Got To Know Him

!!CW!!- Mental illness and injury to a child

are you sure about this? there's no guarantee it will work

The text from your foster mom came in not too long after you arrived at the lab. You knew she was worried about you, but you were determined to at least try. The anniversary was coming up, and soon the nightmares would be back too.

I'm sure. Thanks for asking though. You sent her a message back. The three dots that meant she was typing popped up almost immediately, and she sent you another text in no time.

okay but if you change your mind, let me know. i'll support whatever you decide

You smiled a little at her text before writing another message.

Thank you, I will.

After hitting send, you drew in a long breath and squared your shoulders before walking into the lab.

"What are you doing here?"

As soon as you stepped inside, you were greeted by Yasuke Matsuda, the lab's owner and recent graduate of Hope's Peak. You weren't in the same class (he was two above you), and had graduated last summer. You didn't know him that well, but when you heard a rumor about the research he was doing, you figured it wouldn't hurt to inquire about it.

"Hi, I'm Y/N-" You began to introduce yourself, but he cut you off.

"That's not what I asked." He snapped. "I want to know what you're doing here."

"Right, sorry." You apologized. "I heard about your research and want to know if you needed any volunteers."

"How did you hear about this?" He demanded. "And why would you offer yourself up for it?"

"Your friend Junko has a big mouth." You told him with a nervous laugh. "And I have some things in my past I'd rather forget."

Yasuke shook his head. "She never could keep her damn trap shut.... what things do you want to forget? I assume it's something traumatic."

You nodded. "The anniversary is coming up, and I always get nightmares around that time. My PTSD is always worsened by them, and I want to know if you could help me erase those memories."

"I see. Are you aware there's a chance this won't work at all?"

"Yes, but I want to try anyway."

"Fine, follow me." He turned away and led you to a little cot in the back of the lab.

"Lay down." He commanded. You complied, laying down on the bed and getting comfy.

"I'm not a therapist, but in order to attempt to manipulate your memories, I need to know about this traumatic event." He explained, picking up a clipboard from a nearby table. "So start talking."

"Well, when I was six, I woke up to find my childhood home ablaze." You began. "My biological parents were smokers, and they fell asleep one night while in the middle of smoking, and one of their cigarettes fell on the carpet and started a fire. We stupidly didn't have a smoke detector, and they ended up dying from smoke inhalation." You swallowed the lump forming in your throat. "The only reason I survived was because I woke up in time to get out of there."

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