New Character: Sato

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Requested by: gekkeavonturen and iamsatoswife

Like Natsumi, Sato will go in the SDR2 section from now on.

Comment here with any more requests!

How You Met/Got To Know Her

You first met Sato in the photography club. Everything from her long, dark hair to her protective demeanor drew you in right away, but you were too shy to speak to her. You've never been great at socializing, preferring to bury yourself in your work. You're the Ultimate Accountant, and made a name for yourself putting your mathematical and organizational talents to use- the only quality in an accountant you lacked was strong oral communication skills.... but you were counting on your time at Hope's Peak to change that.

Of course, your first attempt at stepping out of your comfort zone by joining the photography club ended up with you getting a huge crush on the reserve course student- just what you needed. After a little quiet personal angst, you decided to take a chance and do something about your crush- how else were you supposed to improve your confidence if you didn't go after something (or someone) you really wanted?

Asking Her Out

"I'm really nervous." You said. "What if she rejects me?"

"You just have to remember what you told me- you came here to help improve yourself, and you want to start by doing this." Sonia told you. "One thing I've learned from growing up royal is that I would have to radiate confidence in order instill it in my subjects.... I suggest you do something similar."

You sucked in a deep breath. "Okay. I'll try." You gave the blonde a hug. "Thank you Sonia."

"I'm always here for you, Y/N."

After you parted ways with your royal friend, you headed to the reserve classroom before class officially started. After a quick sweep of the room, you spotted Sato sitting towards the back. You made your way to her, your heart pounding in your chest the whole time.

"Hey S-Sato." You greeted her, stuttering a little.

"Hello Y/N." She greeted you back. "How are you?"

"I'm okay." You managed to control the stuttering. "There's something I wanted to ask you."

"Ask away."

"Um...." In one single second, all your confidence died, and it took Sato raising a curious eyebrow to snap you out of your fearful state.

"Sorry." You shook your head. "I just wanted to know if you wanted to go out sometime."

Sato raised both her eyebrows this time. "As a friend? Or a date?"

"Um, a date." You told her.

A small grin crossed her face. "I'd love to go on a date with you."

"Oh, um, great!" You managed to say. "I'll.... text you the details later, I guess."

Sato nodded. "Sounds good to me."

First Official Date

You and Sato had your first date at the movies. You're a huge fan of crime dramas, and there was a new one coming out, and Sato thought it would be a good first date.

At the theater, you discovered two things about Sato- she liked a lot of butter on her popcorn (as did you), and that she was very protective of people she cared about. You learned this fact when you felt Sato tighten her grip on you in the theater lobby when two guys began staring you down. They made you kinda nervous, but having Sato around made you feel safer.

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