You Ask Them Out/They Ask You Out (All THH Characters)

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A/N: For this scenario (and most of them yet to come) I'll just be combining the boys and girls from each game into one chapter rather than doing it by gender


Makoto Naegi

Even after nearly acing his exam, Makoto still wanted your tutoring skills. You were more than happy to oblige, considering you know how hard math can be (even if you were a whiz at it) and you really liked spending time with him.

You met him one Friday afternoon after school for your usual session, and found him sitting in the library at the table you two usual sat at. He noticed you and waved. You returned his wave excitedly, happy to see your lucky little friend.

"Hi, Makoto." You plopped down in the chair across from him at the table, and began to unzip your backpack. "Ready for today's lesson?"

"I am." Makoto responded, sounding a little preoccupied. "Although, I had something I wanted to ask you first."

"Okay." You said, taking out your notebook. "What is it?"

"Well, we've spending a lot of time together....." He trailed off and nervously scratched his face. "And I...." His face flushed and you chuckled.

"Woah, you're acting like you're about to propose or something." You laughed, but abruptly stopped when you noticed he had froze up with a startled look on his face.

"Are you okay?" You asked, suddenly concerned.

"Yes, I'm just nervous." He replied. "It's just funny you bring up proposing."

"Let me guess, you're asking me out?"

"Well uh, yeah, I am." He nodded.

You laughed again. "Why didn't you just say so? Of course I'll go out with you."

Makoto's eyes widened. "Really?"

You reached over the table and hugged him. "Absolutely!"

Byakuya Togami

After your economics class, you gleefully skipped across the school towards the library, hoping to find Byakuya there. Sure enough, he was sitting cross-legged at a table in the back with his nose buried in a book. You sauntered over to him and draped yourself over the table across from him.

"'Sup Togami?" You greeted him. Unsurprisingly, he ignored you, continuing to read his book. You rolled your eyes, and with an amused smirk breaking across your face, reached forward and plucked the book out of his hands. He appeared to be startled by your sudden action, but his face quickly turned into an expression of irritation.

"What the hell was that for?" He demanded.

"You were ignoring me." You answered, moving backwards so he couldn't grab the book back from you.

"What do you want from me, Y/N?" He asked impatiently, crossing his arms.

"Why don't you get out more?" You inquired.

He scoffed. "I have no interest in 'getting out'.... especially if that means being around annoying insignificant plankton."

You cackled. "Too bad, Mr. Krabs, because I'm not giving you back your...." You glanced at the cover of the book. "Copy of The Count of Monte Cristo until you agree to go out with me."

For a minute, you and the affluent progeny just stared at each other, waiting for the other to surrender. Neither of you talked or moved until Byakuya let out an exasperated sigh.

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