What You Do For Halloween (All V3 Characters)

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Sorry if this is a little lackluster again, I've been busy with stuff this week, plus I'm a little burned out, but wanted to get this part out before November.

Set-Up: Spooky season is upon us! What do you and your partner do to celebrate Halloween?

Up next: You're a chibi for a day

Comment here with any requests!


Shuichi Saihara

For Halloween, you and Shuichi hopped on a bus, and headed to Saitama to see the Halloween Night in the Forest event.

The event wasn't some grand, spectacular occasion- just enjoying the sight of beautiful lights and jack-o-lanterns, but that didn't keep you from having a nice experience. Most of your time was spent holding hands with Shuichi and talking, sometimes about the lights, and sometimes discussing things going on in your lives.

Your night at the lighting event ended with the two of you getting some takeout and heading back to your dorm to eat and spend the rest of the night just chilling out.

What did you dress up as?: Since you wanted something that fit the theme of the lighting event, you and Shuichi went as a pair of glow-in-the-dark skeletons.


Keebo didn't know much about Halloween, so you took it upon yourself to take him to do as many things as possible. First up, you sat with him in your dorm to watch some movies. Keebo isn't a fan of gory or extra scary movies, so you picked two more kid-friendly ones for him to watch- Gremlins and Beetlejuice. Keebo actually found the gremlins to be kind of cute, and he really liked the musical parts of Beetlejuice.

After movies, you brought him trick-or-treating. He found the concept to be a little hard to grasp since he wasn't sure why people felt the need to ask strangers for candy, but you assured him it was just a fun way to get some exercise while hanging out with friends and family, which helped put it into perspective for him.

After trick-or-treating, you took him to a Halloween party- it was one of your neighbors, and they were more than happy to let you and your boyfriend attend. The party in question was full of university students, which meant loud music, and lots of drinking and games. Keebo didn't drink any alcohol (you had a little whiskey, but not enough to get tipsy) and introduced him to some party games, most of which involved drinking, but he didn't really play any of them, just watched.

After you got sick of listening to blaring music, you took Keebo back to campus, asking if he liked experiencing Halloween like a human. He said yes, but asked to skip partying next year, since he wasn't a fan of how chaotic house parties can get. You agreed as long as he promises to watch one actually scary movie with you.

What did you go as?: You and Keebo went as Fry and Bender from Futurama, except with the species flipped, you were Bender, and Keebo was Fry.

Rantaro Amami

For the week of Halloween, your parents were hosting a little party for their adult friends, while their kids were out trick-or-treating. Your parents allowed some of the older kids (including you and Rantaro) but specifically added that none of you were allowed to sneak any alcohol- you're not a fan of drinking anyway, so that wasn't a problem for you.

The party was one of those low-key adult get-togethers that included a lot of drinking and talking. You didn't mind though, since you weren't in the mood to do anything high-energy. You hung out with your siblings (excluding your youngest brother who was out with the other kids), talked to some of Rantaro's sisters, and snuck off with your green-haired boyfriend for some alone time- which consisted of half talking with each other, and half kissing when no one was looking.

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