How They Comfort You (All V3 Characters)

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Next scenario: How they cuddle you

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Shuichi Saihara

Shuichi is a sensitive boy himself, so when he's faced with you when you're upset, he will get a little shy and stutter a bit when asking you what's wrong. You think it's kind of cute, and you always end up pouring your heart out. Then, you two will spend some time together so he can make sure you feel better.


Human emotions are complex, but one Keebo can understand well is sadness. When he notices you're upset about something, he'll ask what's wrong and if he can help. You're generally a positive person, so you tend to shrug negative thoughts off. You don't like blowing Keebo off though, so you tell him quickly in the hope that he'll leave it be once he knows. Of course, he'll ask if you need help again, and you can't resist asking him to come to your dorm to "hang out".

Rantaro Amami

Rantaro will sit with you, hold your hand, and have you talk it out. He's a really good listener, and will either offer advice on your situation or just listen if he doesn't know what to say. It's nice having someone to just vent to.

Ryoma Hoshi

Ryoma's never been the best with words, but when he sees you upset, his more softer side will come out. He'll tell you in his deep voice that he's here for you whenever you need him. That's all it takes to get you to start sobbing in his arms (even though that's a bit hard due to his stature).

Korekiyo Shinguji

Kiyo has a weird habit he falls into when he notices you're upset. He will put a blindfold over your eyes (which never fails to make you nervous) and takes you to the school library (it's always the damn library, so it stopped being surprising the third time around), and then he'll quietly read you a children's book revolving around beauty and positivity. The books make you feel nostalgic, and when he's done, he'll take your face in his hands and tell you that you may be sad now but there's so much wonder and beauty to both you and the world, and that you should remember that. It's flattering in a strange way, and you actually look forward to having a book read to you now.

Gonta Gokuhara

Gonta is a big, sweet teddy bear of a person, so when he sees you sad, he'll drop whatever he's doing to comfort you. While he's not the brightest when it comes to giving advice, he's the perfect person to offer some cuddling and whispered reassurances that "You strong. You get through this. Gonta believe in you."

Kokichi Oma

Kokichi tones down a little when you're upset- but still tries to comfort you by cheering you up. Cheering you up in this instance means that he'll act cool and tell you the situation will blow over eventually, or he'll take your mind off it for a little while by straight up starting a tickle fight with you. You much prefer this, since you end up feeling better for a little while amidst the wrestling around and giggling.

Kaito Momota

Kaito does something you'd never ever do in return- he'll gather up all your friends in once place and tell them that you're feeling down and in need of some cheering up. It's honestly really embarrassing, and while you appreciate the sentiment, you don't really like broadcasting all your problems. Most of your friends understand, and will tell you to text if you need anything. Kaito will ask if you feel better, and you say yes even though it's usually not true since you don't want to rain on his parade.


Kaede Akamatsu

Kaede, true to her talent, will take you to the music room and play you a song- sometimes it's a sad song for when you need a good cry, sometimes it's an angry one for when you want to rant, and sometimes it's a happy one she'll play to try and cheer you up. No matter which, you always feel a little better by the end.

Maki Harukawa

Maki's first question she tends to ask when you're upset is if you need her to "take care" of someone. You tell her no, that won't solve anything and just ask her to sit with you for a while. She's not the greatest with words, but the warmth of her hand holding yourself is more than enough to calm you down.

Himiko Yumeno

Himiko's first order of business will be to perform a magic spell on you so you'll get better and prosper. Then she'll cuddle with you while you watch movies.

Kirumi Tojo

Kirumi will always offer to clean something for you when you're upset- your room, your bathroom, your locker, it doesn't matter. You know her talent revolves around it, but you don't like treating her like well, a maid. You'll usually just invite her over and have her sit with you in your mostly tidy room to "hang out".

Angie Yonaga

Angie does two things to comfort you when you're sad- first, she'll have you sit with her and pray to Atua for strength- something you only begrudgingly do to placate her, and then she'll come to you the next day with some kind of art work for you to cheer you up, which you think it's extremely sweet.... even if her artwork can get a little sexual.

Tenko Chabashira

Tenko has two modes she goes into: the first is her angry, combative mode and the second is her overbearing mode. The first one is self-explanatory, she'll demand who made you upset and where she can find them to deliver a swift beating. The second one is more common since you rarely get into fights and don't get bullied anymore, and this means Tenko will trail you everywhere and fuss over you like a worried mother to make sure you're okay. It's kind of suffocating, and you are glad when it fizzles out over the period of a day.

Miu Iruma

Miu wouldn't be herself without a sexual innuendo- and she always wants to "make you feel better" with a suggestive look towards your crotch. She'll back off after a death glare from you, and ask if you want to make out instead. After a little thinking the answer from you is usually yes. Who doesn't perk up after making out with your hot scientist girlfriend?

Tsumugi Shirogane

Tsumugi acts kind of strangely around you like she's walking on eggshells. You're not sure why since it's not like you have anger issues or anything, you're not gonna freak out on her for no reason. Sometimes she'll ask if you're okay and if you need an extra kiss to get you through it- something you'll always accept. You much prefer this treatment than the former.

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