How You Met/Got To Know Her (DR:THH Girls)

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Kyoko Kirigiri

You were childhood friends with Kyoko and stuck by her through her family troubles. You helped her through her mother's death and father's absence and you considered her to be your closest friend. You've always had a crush on her, but never pursued it since you thought she wouldn't reciprocate your feelings.

You joined her sometimes when she did detective work with her grandfather, and your love of science helped her solve cases. You two formed an unofficial partnership when it came to solving crime, and her grandfather was more than happy to allow you to "join the family business".

Your crime-stopping days came to a stop temporarily when you were both accepted into Hope's Peak. Her as the Ultimate Detective, and you as the Ultimate Forensic Scientist. But you didn't have much time to celebrate- Kyoko found out the headmaster was her father of all people, and nearly dropped out until you convinced her to stay. You lifted her up through another dark time, and she eventually made up with her dad, and they began to mend their relationship.

You stuck by her side through everything, and thought to yourself that maybe, just maybe, she shared your feelings as well.

Toko Fukawa

You're the Ultimate Counselor. This means that your fellow Ultimates were always seeking you out for advice, a shoulder to cry on, or for someone to rant to. You didn't mind- in fact, you loved when people sought you out. It made you happy to help out your classmates.

One day, you were rummaging through your locker when you felt a small tap on your shoulder. You turned around to see Toko Fukawa standing behind you.

"Hey, Toko." You offered her a smile before closing your locker. "How are you?"

"F-Fine." She muttered. "U-um I was w-wondering i-if we c-could talk later."

"Absolutely!" You chirped. "Is there something on your mind?"

"W-well I w-wanted t-to um...." She paused, looking away. "I w-w-want to become m-more confident." Her voice faded off towards the end, but you still heard her.

"Of course I can help you." You told her, carefully placing a hand on her shoulder.

Her eyes widened when you touched her, and her cheeks turned pink. "T-Thanks, I guess."

You ended up meeting with Toko during lunch- and you had no idea how much improvement she needed to accomplish.

"I-I can't help it!" She wailed. "I'm just s-so worthless!"

"Toko, you're not worthless." You consoled her. "You're a wonderful person."

"N-No I'm not." She continued to cry. "My p-parents d-don't c-care about me, my f-friends probably d-don't, and I-I'll never win B-Byakuya over."

You rolled your eyes at the mention of the obnoxious heir. "Don't listen to that asshole." You told her.

Her crying stopped and she gasped. "W-What did you s-say?"

"Don't listen to Byakuya. He's an asshole." You told her again. "You might not think so right now, but you're worth so much more than him and deserve someone who will love you."

"D-Do you really t-think s-so?" Toko asked.

"One hundred percent." You said. "Right now, you're a shy little caterpillar, but we're going to help you transform into the beautiful butterfly you are inside."

Her face flushed a deeper shade of pink. "Wow. T-Thank you. N-no one has e-ever said s-something so n-nice to me before."

"Well it's true." You stated, wrapping her into a hug. "And don't you ever forget that."

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