You Ask Them Out/They Ask You Out (All V3 Characters)

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Shuichi Saihara

Your last class just ended for the day, and you're currently hyping yourself up- it was the day you finally ask out Shuichi- but it would take a little more than just words.

As you watched him from two desks away, he took off his hat briefly, and smoothed down his messy hair. While he was distracted, you reached over and plucked his hat off his desk. You speed-walked out of the classroom and made your way to where his locker was, waiting for him to show up.

Sure enough, Shuichi came sprinting down the hallway, a panicked look on his face. Once he saw you, his eyes went wide.

"Y/N? You took my hat?" He asked.

"Yeah." You tossed it at him, and he caught it clumsily, throwing it back on his head. "I wanted to get your attention."

"Well you certainly accomplished that.... next time, just talk me normally, please."

"Sorry." You felt yourself blush. "I guess I just wanted your undivided attention."

"For what reason?"

"I, uh, just want to um, know if...." You struggled to get the question out. "Ah shit, I'm horrible at this. I know we don't have a great history together, but do you want to go on a date? If no, then that's cool." You looked at the ground, embarrassed.

"You swiped my hat and nearly gave me a panic attack just to ask me to go on a date?" He inquired.

"Sorry, I'm not very good at this stuff." You apologized.

The detective took a few steps towards you, and you looked up at him, a tad confused. He was trying to hide his face under his hat, but you could see the color blooming on his cheeks.

"I don't like the way you went about it, but I'll go out with you." He said, a small smile crawling across his face.

You returned the smile, ducking your head under his hat and kissing the tip of his nose. "Thank you Shuichi, you made this lovesick thief very happy."


"This is so fucking annoying." You muttered to yourself, staring at the crumpled up piece of paper in your hand. "I oughta rip their front teeth out."

Unfortunately, Kokichi made it his duty to piss you off as much as possible, and left you a note in your locker basically making fun of you and saying you're not a real doctor- which isn't true at all.

You flung the paper into a nearby trash can, and continued to walk to class. You noticed some of your classmates had also gotten little notes, and out of curiosity, sidled up next to Keebo, who looked particularly upset.

"Why the long face?" You joked.

"What do you mean? My face is a normal human shape." He stated, the joke going over his head.

"Nevermind." You pointed to his own crumpled paper. "What'cha got there?"

"Someone left me a very rude note!" He told you. "It's extremely robophobic! I thought this school was supposed to be inclusive."

"It is.... save for a certain purple-haired little shit." You snatched the paper out of his hands and ripped it in half. "Don't pay this any mind, he's not worth your time."

Keebo blinked his robotic eyes in shock. "I'm continuously surprised by your confidence, Y/N." He said. "I wish that I had the same capacity to deflect insults and mockery like you."

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