New Character: Chisa Yukizome

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Requested by: GoldDriveFanNumber1, gekkeavonturen, & R0bust

Since Chisa is a teacher, I've made the reader in this part a couple of years older, so instead of being a student of Hope's Peak, you're one of her fellow educators at the school.

Also, reiterating that I have not seen the DR3 anime, so if any of those characters are kinda OOC, I apologize in advance.

Comment here with any more requests!

How You Met/Got To Know Her

As the final bell rung for the school day, you bid your students goodbye as they began to pack up and file out of the room.

You're the foreign language teacher at Hope's Peak, and this semester, you're offering three different language options to the students, with the one you just finished being French class. Seems fitting, considering it's the second language you ever learned.

You grew up in Switzerland, a beautiful country known for it's wondrous Alps, and delicious chocolates and cheese. Another notable fact is that it has four national languages- German, French, Italian, and Romansh. You were born in the Lucerne district, where the dominant language is Swiss German, and when you moved with your family to Geneva at the age of nine, you learned French, the most prominent language in that district. You discovered you had a knack for learning languages, and after only two years, you became fluent in all four of Switzerland's official languages, as well as regular German, and English as well. You were well known for your talent, and you often tutored your classmates in learning the other major languages of your country. When you were in your teens, you were invited to join Hope's Peak as the Ultimate Linguist, and you happily agreed, and Japanese became yet another language you added to your learned list.

Now, you live full-time in Japan, working as a teacher at Hope's Peak, and are a master of over two dozen languages.... your only real obstacle is that while you pick up language like a pro, you struggled to integrate into the local culture. Luckily, you had help from your former classmate and fellow teacher, Chisa Yukizome. You were in the same class (class 74th) when you were students, and both became teachers at the school, and you've always kinda had a crush on her, but didn't know how to approach her about it, not even now as a twenty-year-old adult, and it was embarrassing to have to tell your parents back home that you hadn't met anyone you liked because you were hung up on Chisa.

Speaking of Chisa, you were about to leave the classroom yourself when you got a text from her asking to meet at a local café. Your heart fluttered a little in your chest, and you wondered what she needed- hopefully something that wouldn't break your heart.

You Ask Her Out/She Asks You Out

You arrived at the café fifteen minutes later. It was pretty busy, but you could spot Chisa's red hair from a mile away, and this time was no different, since you zeroed in on her location at a small table near the back pretty quickly. She seemed to notice you at the same time, and waved you over.

"Thanks for meeting me!" She greeted you once you sat down.

"No problem." You said to her. "Thanks for getting me a drink." You took a sip of your beverage, and noticed that it was made exactly how you like it.

"You remembered how I like my coffee?" You asked, genuinely shocked.

"Of course I did! You're one of my best friends!" She told you. Your heart hurt a little being described as simply a friend, but you took it in stride.

"Well thank you." You flashed her a grateful smile. "Did you invite me here for a reason, or just a coffee date?" You let out a nervous laugh.

Chisa nodded. "Yes, there's something I'd like to tell you, and don't feel pressured to give me an answer if you're not comfortable."

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