How They Feel About PDA (All Characters)

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Set-Up: How does your partner feel about PDA?

Requested by: Eyyoung

Up next: Playing Video Games With Them

Sorry about the wait, I've been really busy with adult things lately.

Comment here with any more requests!


Makoto Naegi

Makoto is okay with a little PDA here and there. Nothing too crazy, but he's okay with a little kissing in public here and there.... but that doesn't stop him from blushing every time you kiss him in front of others.

Byakuya Togami

You've always been the flirtier of you two, so you have no qualms with kissing or holding hands in public. Byakuya being the ice king he is, wants absolutely nothing to do with public displays of affection. You like to tease him about it, stealing kisses or brushing your hands together sometimes because you know it drives him crazy inside.

Yasuhiro Hagakure

Hiro is typically pretty jovial, and when he's with you he likes to show affection. Nothing too egregious (AKA no sloppy make outs in front of others) but Hiro likes holding hands (or linking arms depending on his mood), and giving you kisses whenever he can, and you can't get enough of it.

Leon Kuwata

You're fairly shy, so making out in public in front of others has never been on your to-do list. Leon is more liberal with PDA, putting his arm around your shoulders, holding your hand, and kissing you- especially in the vicinity of his admirers to show them that he's very much taken. You blush like crazy whenever he does any of this, but you don't push back on it because you kinda like it.... as long as he doesn't go past regular kissing, you're okay with it.

Chihiro Fujisaki

Chihiro is okay with some light PDA. He'll give you light kisses (usually on the cheek, but you get some lip ones too) and likes to hold hands. You're totally okay with PDA, and while you know Chihiro isn't the type to go crazy in public, you test the waters a little by gently caressing his face and hands, and Chihiro seemed to like it, so you often softly rub him now whenever you get the chance.

Mondo Owada

Mondo's opinion on PDA varies depending on one thing- how many people are around. If there's a significant number of being within eyeshot (ten plus) he'll get all nervous when you ask him to kiss or cuddle you. You love to tease him about his nervousness, and consider it a win whenever you can make him blush in public. When there's not a lot of others around (or even if you're alone together) Mondo is more affectionate, giving out the kisses and cuddles you desperately crave, and you cherish that even more than seeing him blush for a few fleeting seconds.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru

Being the strict hall monitor he is, Taka doesn't like seeing PDA in "his" hallways (not that it stops people from doing it) and this applies to you as well. Even though you love messing with Taka, you get uncharacteristically shy about PDA.... you can do it with sudden spurts of courage, but the rest of the time, you're content to follow Taka's no PDA rules. When you do break the rule however, Taka gets all flustered at the mere suggestion of kissing in front of your classmates. You can sometimes get to hold your hand if you're in a confident mood, but it doesn't go further than that.

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