What You Do For Halloween (All SDR2 Characters)

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Sorry if this part is kind of meh, I'm working through a bought of writer's block.

Set-Up: Spooky season is upon us! What do you and your partner do to celebrate Halloween?

Comment here with any requests!


Hajime Hinata

On the night of Halloween, you and Hajime were just hanging out in the dorm, not really doing anything, until you got a call from your older sister who was on her way to a party. Since she's in university, she's become a frequent partier, and you usually turn down her invitations to house parties, but tonight, you were looking for a little excitement, so after asking Hajime, you agreed to go to the Halloween party with him.

The party was nicely decorated, a lively atmosphere, and was teeming with already-drunk students. Hajime seemed a little nervous at such an active party, but you made sure to ease him into it by dragging him onto the dance floor to let loose a little. When you let him go off by himself, you got swept away by your sister to meet some of her friends, who were all pretty friendly, but you had no idea if they were just naturally outgoing or if it was the alcohol talking.

Unfortunately, you only got to spend two hours at the party, since the cops showed up at around nine, so you had to collect Hajime and leave. Hajime's love of orange juice seemed to extend to screwdrivers, since he had drank a lot of them, and was pretty trashed when you found him. Luckily, you were able to leave out the side door of the house, and called a cab to take you back to school. After tucking Hajime into bed, you joined him after he managed to slur out a protest when you began to leave. You made a note on your phone to bust out the painkillers in the morning, since you know Hajime is going to wake up with a killer hangover.

What did you dress up as?: You two went as the famous Italian brothers, Mario and Luigi.

Nagito Komaeda

Trick-or-treating was never really something your family did on Halloween, you instead had family nights where you put on costumes, watched movies, played board games, and ate Halloween-themed snacks. You, of course, were planning on going home to celebrate with them, but didn't want to leave Nagito by himself, so when your parents suggested you invite him, you agreed.

Your boyfriend was very eager to participate in your family's tradition (it was probably because he had no family to celebrate holidays with) and as soon as he stepped into your home, he went to greet your mom with a huge hug (your mom really likes him). Your dad and brothers said hello to Nagito as well before you all jumped into the activities- first up, the board games.

Some of the board games were "spooky" (your favorite is Mysterium) while some of them are just standard games everyone has played (yes, you did play Monopoly, and yes Nagito did win because he still manages to be rich playing a board game). Your little brother is a sore loser, and when he lost Candy Land, he whined like a baby. Your teen brother and you get super competitive playing board games, and every year your parents take bets to see which one of you will win the most games (you did this year). Nagito laughed at you and your brother trash talking each other, and asked later if you two were like that playing video games- the answer was of course, yes.

After playing literally every board game in the house, the six of you sat on the coach to each snacks and watch movies. Your teenage brother looked at his phone more than the movie, and your youngest brother ended falling asleep on the floor while watching Monster House. You drifted off not too long after him since you were really tired for some reason, and when you woke up, it was five in the morning, and everyone else was asleep in the same positions they were in the night before. You just cuddled up with Nagito, and went back to bed, thinking about how much fun next year will be.

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