The Pet You Get Together (All Characters)

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Set-Up: Hope's Peak is now allowing its students to own pets! What kind of adorable friend will you and your partner adopt?

Requested by: BOOM83031 and SxgarSpice

I was gonna put pictures in this, but because of Wattpad's picture limit, I'll put a web address to an Imgur album with the labeled pics instead (sorry, it may be annoying on mobile, hope you don't mind too much). They're all stock photos so I don't get clapped by copyright laws, so ignore the watermarks lol.

Also, this fic has over 225k reads, holy shit, that's almost a quarter of a million. I started this two years ago as a way to pass time during quarantine and never expected it to get popular. Thank you guys for all the support and love, I really appreciate it.

Up next: A new character (and probably the last new one for a while lol)

Comment here with any more requests!

Copy and paste this address for the pics, or you can use the external link at the bottom of the chapter:


Makoto Naegi

You and Makoto were both very excited when Headmaster Kirigiri announced that the students of Hope's Peak were now allowed to keep pets (as long as they didn't let them run wild). Makoto had a dog as a kid and wanted another, and you were more than willing to get once since you'd always wanted one, but could never have them since your mom is allergic. So you two headed to a shelter and adopted a brown and white medium-sized male mutt you named Scout.

Byakuya Togami

Byakuya was reluctant to get a pet when you brought it up, but after a little begging on your end, he reluctantly agreed. You contacted a reputable cat breeder you've known all your life and made an appointment with Byakuya to meet some of her cats. You were content with adopting any of them, but fully made up your mind when you noticed your boyfriend beginning to bond with one of the fully-grown cats. You two adopted her, a whitish-gray female three-year-old Burmese cat named Duchess.

Yasuhiro Hagakure

You've never had a pet before, so you got very excited when Hiro suggested you two get one. The pet store had a lot of your classmates wandering around, looking for a companion for themselves, and in the midst of weaving around your friends, you and Hiro found yourself by the bird cage. You weren't expecting to fall in love with one of the cute feather-bound creatures, but you did- a male parakeet with light blue feathers, a yellow beak, and a black-and-white striped head and back. Hiro came up with the name "Gemini" off the top of his head, so that's what he ended up being named.

Leon Kuwata

You weren't sold on getting a pet when Leon brought it up, but after a little coaxing, you agreed to go to a puppy place to see some of the dogs. You stuck by the smaller dogs, finding them to be more appealing, and you and Leon ended up getting one of them, a brown male Yorkie you named Lightning after his energetic attitude.

Chihiro Fujisaki

The day after Headmaster Kirigiri's announcement, Chihiro asked if you wanted to go to the pet store to look at some of the animals there. You agreed, thinking it would be nice to have a pet since you hadn't had one in quite a while. You looked around at basically every pet the store had to offer, from the goldfish to the small tarantula sitting on display in the reptile section. One of them caught Chihiro's eye- a rabbit. She had soft, white fur and dark eyes, and sat comfortably in your boyfriend's arms, and you knew it was the perfect fit by the gleeful look on Chihiro's face. You two adopted the bunny and named her Ivory.

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