How You Met/Got To Know Him (V3 Boys)

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A/N: For the characters from V3, I'll be treating their fabricated backstories as if they actually happened. The only exception is that for Korekiyo, there's no incest or serial killing.

Shuichi Saihara

Being born into a poor family is hard. Growing up in poverty is harder. You would know- that's what happened to you.

You were born the second oldest of five children. At first, your family was just poor, but by the birth of your youngest brother, your family had dipped below the poverty line. Your parents struggled for years to provide for you and your younger siblings with what you needed, but it was hard. Sometimes you would go without food for days, and you began to steal from your school's cafeteria when you were younger.

As you got older, stealing from school turned into larceny, which turned into shoplifting, which turned into burglary. You stole anything you could get your hands on- food, money, valuables- all to support your struggling family.

Unfortunately, you got in over your head one day when you decided on a whim to try and steal a car. You almost got away with it- but you ended up in a chase with a police officer which ended with you abandoning the stolen vehicle. You had gotten sloppy, and the detectives found your DNA all over the car, leading them straight to you. A certain young detective was the one to find you out, and for a short time you ended up in juvenile prison. You confided in another teen there about your family life and history of stealing, and tales of your theft began spreading around the juvenile prison.

Around four months into your sentence, the rumors had spread outside the walls of the prison- and like a game of telephone, had become more outrageous and elaborate. You went from a petty thief to a master criminal who stole jewels from museums. You never dispelled these rumors- in fact, you found it funny that they got so out of hand.

Once you got out of juvie after serving your year and a half long sentence, you expected just to go back to your normal life in poverty, but your mother gave you a letter from Hope's Peak. They wanted you to join the school as the Ultimate Thief. You thought it was a joke at first, but once you saw how happy and genuine your family members' reactions were to the news, you knew it was real.

At Hope's Peak, you were hesitant to make friends- you didn't know if people would like you or even acknowledge your existance. Luckily, you were proven wrong since many of your classmates were very friendly and accepting. There was one person you had you eye on though- Shuichi Saihara- the detective that got you thrown into juvie.

When you decided to formally acquaint yourself with him, he seemed very jumpy and shy. You figured he recognized you, so you told him your true feelings about him.

You thanked him. Thanked him for finding you out. If it wasn't for him, you may not have ever ended up in juvie or gone to Hope's Peak. You told him you'd be forever grateful for his actions.

And that's how the shy Shuichi made his first friend at Hope's Peak.


"Tell me, Kee-boy, do robots have dicks?"

It was orientation for Hope's Peak academy, and you were meeting your classmates. You already knew you didn't like this purple-haired little Hitler.

"I'm not answering that." The robot answered.

"So that's a no, then?"

"Dude, leave him alone." You cut in to their uncomfortable conversation. "He clearly doesn't like it."

"If he didn't like it, then why is he blushing?" Kokichi pointed towards Keebo, whose face did have some color to it.

"Because you're embarrassing him!" You said, putting yourself between the two boys. "Now piss off before I make you."

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