When You're Sick (All THH Characters)

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Requested by: That_one_bi_wreck, Avitute, & WrittenNightmare14

Comment here with any more requests!


Makoto Naegi

Makoto is loving, yet cautious around you when you're sick. He checks up on you a couple times a day (usually wearing a face mask) and sometimes brings you your favorite candy to try and cheer you up..... if only you could kiss him without infecting him.

Byakuya Togami

Byakuya is a little distant when you're sick. He drops by your dorm once a day to see you and if you're lucky, he'll bring you something nice like lozenges for a sore throat or tissues for a runny nose. Byakuya hates being sick because he's one of those people who hardly falls ill, but when he does, it hits him hard. He can barely move when he's sick, so you don't mind that he isn't around as much.

Yasuhiro Hagakure

Hiro likes to hang around in your dorm with you when you're sick. It gives him not only an excuse to see you, but his teachers let him have the day off to "take care of you" which in Hiro's mind means laying around in your room (sometimes cuddling) while he talks about something interesting or random that happened to him. You hate talking when you're sick, so you just lay there and listen and try not to fall asleep.

Leon Kuwata

Leon gives you space when you're sick. He will call you sometimes to check on you, but otherwise leaves you alone.

Chihiro Fujisaki

Chihiro is like your own personal nurse. He brings you soup and Gatorade, monitors your temperature, and even acts as a courier for your medicine you get from the nurse. He cuddles you sometimes, but not others since he doesn't want to get sick himself.

Mondo Owada

Mondo is very awkward around you when you're sick. He tries to care for you, but is bad at cooking, and knows nothing about medicine so his attempts to make you feel better often backfire. You think it's kind of sweet, but there's only so many times you can unknowingly take the wrong medicine or eat something burnt he made before it becomes annoying.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru

If Taka could wear a hazmat suit when you're sick, he would. Instead, he slaps both a face mask and a face shield on, and stands at least a foot away from you. You think it's kinda funny, but also not unexpected since he needs to be in tip-top shape for his hall monitor duties. He also makes sure to get your homework your missing and even tidies your room for you sometimes when he's bored.

Hifumi Yamada

Hifumi is an absolute angel when you're sick. He brings you food to make you feel better, always make sure you have everything you need, comforts you, and cuddles you while you watch anime or a movie together. Sometimes he lets you use him as a pillow.


Kyoko Kirigiri

Kyoko brings you soup from the cafeteria when you're sick. Then you two sit in silence as you eat. Sometimes Kyoko will ask you how you're feeling or if you started your homework yet, but most of the time you just enjoy some quiet soup time with her.

Toko Fukawa

Toko is a mega hypochondriac, and whenever you're sick, she freaks out since she thinks she'll catch whatever you have.... or that you'll die. You try to reassure her that you just have a cold/fever/etc and that you'll be fine, but nothing can console her when she freaks out about your "inevitable" death via sniffles, so you just let her freak out for a little while and try to get some much-needed sleep.

Aoi Asahina

There is one thing to expect when you're sick: soup for days. Hina loves to make hot soup for you to eat. It's like having a personal chef except they only make soup- a soup (sous) chef, if you will. She also doesn't mind kissing you when you're ill, which always makes you feel better.

Sayaka Maizono

Sayaka is caring but distant when you're sick. She doesn't want to catch your illness and risk losing her voice, but she makes sure to text you and send get your homework from your teachers, and even has one of your friends drop off something she cooked for you to eat.

Celestia Ludenberg

Celeste seems to have an iron-clad immune system- you came to this conclusion after you were sick with the flu with a week and a half, and she didn't catch it, despite being in your dorm room with you almost the whole time you were ill. While she was there, you and her had your usual conversations full of snarky jokes (with you blowing your nose every minute or so) and you got a few surprises as well- she was noticeably kinder to you, and she even did all your homework for you one night when you passed out after throwing up.

Sakura Ogami

Sakura doesn't really act any different around you when you're sick. The only difference is that she is a little more.... clingy. Clingy in this case meaning she spends twice the amount of time she usually does with you. She claims it's to make sure you're okay, which you find to be very sweet.

Junko Enoshima

Junko brings you a huge basket of goodies when you're sick- and it has everything you'd need in it: medicine, sweets, containers of soup, bottles of Gatorade, DVDs of good movies you could watch together, and so much more. You thought it was a little overkill, but she insisted you have it since nothing it too much for her king/queen/monarch of despair.

Mukuro Ikusaba

When you're sick, Mukuro tends to be a little distant. She hates being sick and being around sick people, so she's caring, yet distant, having her sister drop by to check in on you, or texting or calling you herself to see if you're improving.

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