Your Exes (All THH Characters)

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Set-Up: What are your exes like? What about your partner's exes? Do you get along, or is there unresolved bad blood?

Requested by: multi_cheese, Saeltoshi, -moonrya, Luckygirl144

Comment here with any more requests!


Makoto Naegi

You had a short-lived relationship with a classmate before you began attending Hope's Peak. He was a nice guy, but you discovered really quickly that you weren't that interested in him. You broke it off only a couple of weeks in, and you could tell it hurt him but he got over it pretty fast.

You ran into your ex at the park with Makoto while you two were having a picnic date. He decided to interrupt your date to say hello, and this made you a little mad, but you decided to be nice and introduced him to Makoto. Your ex left quickly once the words "My boyfriend Makoto" left your mouth, and Makoto said that he was "weird" which you agreed with.

As for Makoto, he dated his close friend Kyoko about half a year before he got together with you. They dated for a month before breaking up because they thought they were better off as friends. You liked Kyoko and have never gotten bad or jealous vibes from her, so you have no problem with Makoto hanging out with her alone.

Byakuya Togami

You dated your ex for two years. You met at one of those stuffy business meetings and hit it off pretty well. You split because his dad moved his family across the continent to Turkey and neither of you had the time for a long-distance relationship. Byakuya didn't know he was your ex, and when you mentioned you dated him after Byakuya said he had met him during business, he didn't really react, but based on the way his brow furrowed, you could tell he was a little jealous.

Byakuya has dated two people before you, the daughter of a wealthy pharmaceutical executive that his dad set him up with. That relationship didn't last very long. The second person he went out with before you was actually Hina. You were shocked to hear this since him and Hina have a tumultuous relationship, and you learned that was because their breakup was messy- and messy in this case means MESSY. Byakuya didn't go into details, but you could tell it was seriously bad. You don't interact with Hina much, but she's nice and you figured it would be best not to mention you know that her and Byakuya used to go out.

Yasuhiro Hagakure

You and your ex-boyfriend dated for eight months. You had a pretty good relationship and only fought maybe three times, so it came as a shock to you when you caught him sexting his ex. You immediately kicked him to the curb and never looked back. Hiro however, would have the misfortune of running into your ex when he came to Hiro for a reading. Hiro knew he was your ex because you'd told him the break up story, and charged him twice as much as normal for a reading. You had no idea that Hiro could muster up a clever (but also petty) idea, and while you wouldn't normally condone scamming, your ex fucking deserved it.

Hiro's ex-boyfriend is also a pretty shit dude. He met Hiro the same way you did (getting a reading) and hit it off with Hiro really fast. They dated for about a year before he began pressuring Hiro to move to America with him. Hiro dumped him shortly after that because he thought his ex was going to sell him into human trafficking. You initially chalked that up to Hiro being a scaredy cat, but when you Googled his ex's name you found out he had been arrested for fraud, so you figured Hiro wasn't being solicited for human trafficking, but probably for some kind of scam.

Leon Kuwata

You've always been a shy person, so when the popular dude at your old school asked you out, it came as a complete shock. Still, you accepted, and you found yourself totally starstruck by your new boyfriend.... that is until you found out eight weeks in that he was only dating you because of a dare. Heartbroken and furious, you cried to your mom about it, and she held your hand as you called up your ex and dumped him. Your mom has been very nervous about you dating since.

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