First Official Date (All V3 Characters)

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Sorry this took so long, got a little burnt out on writing and took a break.

Comment here with any requests!


Shuichi Saihara

You were on a strict budget when planning for your date since you didn't have a lot of money, and decided to take him somewhere you hadn't been since you were a kid, but had been dying to visit again- the roller skating rink.

Shuichi was very nervous on the date, partly because he had never been on a date before (and neither had you!), and partly because he had no idea how to skate. You were more than happy to show him the ropes, and got him in skates and on the floor quickly.

He wobbled along the floor like a newborn deer, and you had to guide him so he wouldn't fall on his ass. It was like teaching a child to swim- simultaneously hilarious and frustrating.

After you finished teaching him how to dodge the other skaters, and listening to the cheesy 70's disco music that was playing, you took a short walk with him to the café down the street. You sipped on coffee and ate warm muffins while you teased him on his lack of skating skills. He told you that while he had a nice time, he'd appreciate not skating on your next date. You just laughed and fed him a bite of one of the muffins.


For your first date, you took a cab into Tokyo to a very special restaurant. You scared Keebo by telling him that you didn't want him to be offended by the place you were taking him. He somewhat changed his tune when you actually arrived at the place you were taking him- Tokyo's famous Robot Restaurant.

Keebo reacted with a mixture of many emotions- confusion, wonder, and apprehension, since you had given him a warning that he took very seriously. Once you got a table and started to take in everything the place had to offer though, he relaxed. You ate the great food that was offered there, watched the performers dance, do tricks with lasers, and show off their futuristic costumes- it was awesome.

You didn't leave the restaurant until almost curfew, which meant you had to sneak around until you got to your dorms. He texted you saying he loved the restaurant, and hoped your next date would be just as fun. You sent back some sappy text about how whenever you're with him, anything would be exciting- which made you internally cringe, but Keebo sent back a heart, so you considered that a win.

Rantaro Amami

You rented a little boat and had a laid-back date on the water. You sipped on cold lemonade, ate snacks, talked about just about anything, and pointed out any sea life that you noticed swim by. There didn't feel like there was any of the usual first date jitters or pressure- partly because you've known Rantaro almost your whole life, and partly because the date was incredibly relaxed.

During the date, you and him went over your adventures together, and looked over the maps you had made. It was nostalgic and sweet, and just proved to you that you two were basically made for each other. It got even better when you saw a whale swim by the boat. You waved to the sea mammal, silently asking it to bless your new relationship.

Ryoma Hoshi

You went to a cat café with him. Unfortunately, he couldn't bring his own cat with him, which disappointed you since you were very fond of the little guy. Ryoma was glad that his cat liked you, since it would be a deal breaker for him if they didn't, which you understood- you were a vet after all, you loved animals and they loved you.

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