How They Comfort You (All THH Characters)

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Requested by: Not_Luna, Mini-Mxnarch, -Peko_Pekoyama-, atlas_is_tired_, and Kozumes_wife

Comment here with any more requests!


Makoto Naegi

Something you discovered about Makoto after you began dating is that when it comes to family and romantic partners, he's a big hugger. This means whenever you're upset, he wraps you in a hug, and rubs your back in a comforting way as you tell him about what's bothering you. You don't know what you'd do without his hugs.

Byakuya Togami

You're pretty confident and easygoing which means to takes a lot to get under your skin- and when it does, it hurts, and you tend to hole yourself away in your room to have a good cry or punch a pillow. You also like to stay away from people for a while as you cool off.

Byakuya's personality is about as fuzzy as a crocodile, and you'd frankly be embarrassed if he saw you in this state, so it shocked you when he turned up at your dorm when you had your rare episode. You reluctantly let him in, and he surprised you again when he asked if you were okay and if you needed anything. You said no, but thanked him for his concern, and you could see his expression soften a little- it was unexpected, but sweet.

Yasuhiro Hagakure

Hiro can be a little dense, but he tries his best- this is apparent when he tries to comfort you. Instead of hushed, kind words, he will make awkward jokes to try and bring up your spirit. This results in a mixed bag of emotions from you- sometimes you laugh at his humor and sometimes you just give him a look that says something along the lines of this is not helping. No matter what, you at least appreciate his efforts.

Leon Kuwata

Leon isn't great with processing feelings (both his own and other people's) so he gets a little awkward when he comforts you. He will hug you and let you sob into his chest, and sometimes tell you sweet yet reluctant words like "It'll be okay" or "Forget about them, they suck". Most of the time, he'll just hold you as you let it out which you're thankful for- he's great at providing you with a shoulder (or chest) to cry on.

Chihiro Fujisaki

Chihiro is an angel of a human being, and his halo shines bright when he comforts you. You're not much of a crier, but when you are sad, Chihiro will hug you and tell you that everything will be okay. You're usually the one reassuring him, so when he reciprocates, it stirs up happy feelings inside.

Mondo Owada

Mondo is the definition of a tough guy, which means he is terrible with feelings. However, he somehow manages to find the words that will help you feel better. You can go from bawling your eyes out to being totally captivated by his words with only a sentence or two. Maybe it's because he knows you very well and therefore knows how to calm you down, or maybe he has a secret talent he's not aware of. Either way, he always manages to bring your spirit up when he sees that you're upset.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru

Despite being an honors student, Taka can sometimes be as dense as brick. You think it's cute most of the time, but the rest of the time it's rather frustrating- especially when you're in a bad mood.

Taka doesn't always realize you're upset. Since you don't like crying in front of people, your feelings come out in the form of snarky or even downright rude responses to people, and Taka isn't the greatest at picking up at sarcasm, so they go right over his head. Usually this culminates in you angrily stomping off to your dorm, Taka following you to find out what was wrong, and you unloading on him about what upset you. Due to his resilient personality, Taka will assert with confidence that you'll overcome whatever obstacle is in your way, and that he'll be there if you need someone to lean on, which you think is very sweet.

Hifumi Yamada

Hifumi can come off as annoying or strange, but deep down is quite the gentleman. This most often comes out when he feels the need to defend you or when something is bothering you. When you feel particularly sad, Hifumi will wrap you in his arms, let you lay on his squishy chest, and give you kind yet nerdy compliments. Sometimes these get a little laugh out of you, and that usually marks the point where you begin to feel better.


Kyoko Kirigiri

Kyoko is.... less than stellar when it comes to emotions. This means that when she sees you upset, she looks at the source of your sadness with a logical lens and tries to use that to calm you down. Of course, that almost never works on you, so you just leave and find somewhere secluded to wallow in peace. Kyoko will find you later and apologize, saying she's sorry for not being more sensitive, and you'll hug her and say it's okay- being here now is enough for you.

Toko Fukawa

You're definitely the more level-headed and rational person in the relationship, so you tend to bottle up your emotions when you can. When it gets to be too much, you hide away from everyone. Toko doesn't like seeing you upset partly because she wants you to be happy, but also because she genuinely has no idea how to handle comforting someone else. The shrink in you says that's because of her rough childhood, and honestly, you don't blame her. Over time she's gotten a little more in tune with other people's emotions thanks to your help, but you know it's gonna be a while before she can fully provide comfort to others- something you're fine with, her healing is more important to you.

Aoi Asahina

Hina will hug you and try and cheer you up. She'll have you go out with her and do something- take a walk, go to the park, or get something to eat at a café. She thinks getting some fresh air will help you clear your head, and she's right. Sometimes getting out does wonders for your mental state.

Sayaka Maizono

Sayaka's years of being on stage has made her sort of rigid when it came to the negative emotions of others (for many reasons). When it comes to you however, she's more delicate with your feelings and more aware of what made you upset in the first place. Sometimes she'll comfort you by cuddling or singing to you which always makes you feel better.

Celestia Ludenberg

In public, Celeste keeps her emotions under lock and key. In private however, she's more vulnerable with you. This means that if you get sad in public, she'll drag you somewhere more private and ask if you're alright, and you always end up unloading on her about what your problem is. She will surprise you sometimes with her more caring side, but you like that she can let her walls down around you.

Sakura Ogami

Sakura may not be outwardly gushy or emotional, but she has an uncanny ability to put you at ease with her presence. It's funny since she scared you at first, but after you became friends and started dating, her aura did a complete one-eighty around you. This means that when she comforts you, she'll sometimes put an arm around you, but the things that calms you the most is just her being there.

Junko Enoshima

Junko has many faces and the one she uses when she sees you sad is her own sad one. She'll use a low monotone voice to repeat what you've told her and try and relate to it. Now she doesn't have the same emotion control you do, but she's surprising helpful in this downtrodden, sullen state. Through her faux tears and morose eyes she'll assess the situation, and actually give you good advice. It's interesting but also unsettling how she can go from a giant goofball to brilliant analyst.

Mukuro Ikusaba

Mukuro's military training has made her mostly numb to other people's emotions. Luckily her time at Hope's Peak has softened her up a little. Unfortunately, she freezes up when she sees you upset. She has no idea how to comfort you other than putting a gentle hand on your shoulder or saying that you're strong and will get through this.

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