You Wear Their Clothes (All SDR2 Characters)

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Set-Up: What happens when you wear some of your partner's clothes? Funny shit, that's what

Stating once again, Izuru will go in this section (SDR2) from now on.... as well as another character that was requested and will be added soon, so stay tuned!

Comment here with any requests!


Hajime Hinata

"Do you want me to get you some medicine?" You asked, frowning at the thermometer in your hands. "You have a one hundred and one degree fever."

"I could use some." Hajime mumbled, his eyes closed. "I made a mistake visiting my parents while my dad was sick."

"I'll say." You looked around for your shoes. "Ah shit, where did I put those things...." Then you realized that you wore them out and still needed to buy a new pair.

"Love, can I please borrow your shoes?" You asked.

Hajime shrugged. "Okay. Just don't wear them out." A little smile lit up his face, and for a second you wanted to just smother him with a pillow for that joke. You slipped on his shoes that actually fit extremely well and headed out.

After grabbing some medicine from the nurse's office (and some orange juice for Hajime to wash it down) you hurried back to your dorm.

"Here you go." You handed the pills and bottle of orange juice to him. "Down the hatch."

Hajime sat up and swallowed the pills dry, then took a big swig of the juice. "Thank you."

"Damn, you didn't even need the drink." You shook your head.

Hajime chuckled. "How are my shoes treating you?"

"Pretty good." You told him, showing off how well they fit on you. "I might keep them as payment for you staying in my dorm while sick."

Hajime laughed again which turned into a sneeze halfway through. "Maybe I'll get you a matching pair."

Nagito Komaeda

"What time is the bus coming?" You asked, looking over at Nagito's phone.

"It should be here already." He told you. "I guess it's late."

You and Nagito went out to see a movie at around six, now it's nearly eight and the bus was running late- and it's cold outside.

You cuddled up next to Nagito, trying to take in his body heat. "I should have brought my jacket.... the weather forecast said it wasn't supposed to be cold out tonight."

"Here." Nagito shrugged off his jacket. "Wear mine."

You shook your head. "Then you'll be cold."

"It's alright.... you deserve to be warm more than I do."

"Stop that." You said, taking the jacket and putting it on. "I don't like when you talk like that about yourself."

Luckily the bus finally arrived before Nagito could retort, and you practically dragged him onto the vehicle, wanting to get back to school as soon as possible.

"Woah, you're strong." Nagito chuckled.

"Thanks." You mumbled, sitting down. "Sorry for being short, I'm just annoyed I forgot to bring my fucking coat with me."

"Don't worry about it! That's what I'm here for, to provide you with any warmth I can give."

"I don't like where you're going with this." You said. "So let's just snuggle and not talk."

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