New Character: Ryota Mitarai

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Requested by: Emi_0w0

Since Ryota is part of class 77, he'll be going in the SDR2 section from now on.

Also I kept typing Ryota's name as "Ryoma" when writing this- kill me now lol.

Up next: A secret ;)

Comment here with any more requests!

How You Met/Got To Know Him

CW- Domestic violence and child abuse

You grew up in an unstable household- your parents fought constantly and abused you and your brother in many ways (mostly verbal, but physical abuse wasn't uncommon, and neither was neglect). One day your biological dad beat your biological mom so badly he ended up in prison. You and your brother were removed from your awful home and placed into foster care.

You had a lot of issues as a result of the abuse, and it led to you developing terrible anger issues. You would slam doors, scream at people, and sometimes even get into fights with your peers. Your foster parents tried their hardest to find you an outlet for your anger, and they eventually did- running. Your foster dad made you go for a run with him when you were mad once, and it helped you immensely. Running then became one of your favorite activities, and you got so good at it that you become one of the youngest upcoming athletes at fourteen.

After winning yourself a silver Olympic medal, you were approached by a scout for Hope's Peak to join as the Ultimate Track Star. You were shocked, but agreed, and your foster family threw you a big party to celebrate.

You were a little nervous when attending Hope's Peak since you'd never had any friends before (you're still a little rough around the edges because of your anger issues), but you found that all of your classmates were actually all interesting and pretty friendly people.

One person who really caught your eye was Ryota Mitarai. He was the opposite of you- a non-athletic, timid type who worked himself to the bone on his animation. You were a little put off by him because of just how different he was, but there was something else that drove you away, too- your own feelings. You'd never had a crush on anyone before, and didn't know how to handle it, so you tried to push it to the back of your mind.

But you couldn't hide forever, and you knew that, so it was a matter of when, not if, you did anything about it.

Asking Him Out

It was a terrible day outside- raining pounded against your window, and the weather forecast even said to be wary of potential flooding. So you decided to have a bit of lazy day and stay in- that is, until someone began pounding on your door.

You groaned, getting up from your bed to answer your door that sounded like it was on the verge of being broken down. Standing on the other end was Twogami, one of your good friends, holding an unconscious Ryota in his arms.

"Holy shit, what happened?" You backed up to let Twogami in your room.

"He collapsed in the hallway." The imposter explained, laying Ryota on your bed. "I think he hasn't been eating."

"God fucking damn it, we've told him to stop doing that." You shook your head. "Do you want me to get food for us?"

"I'll go, I know the best places." Twogami said. "You watch him."

"Okay, be quick." You told him. He nodded and took off.

"Ryota." You shook him firmly. "Hey! Wake the hell up!"

"What?" Ryota's eyes shot up. "Y/N? Where am I?"

"In my dorm. Your dumb ass forgot to eat again!" You scolded him. "What have I told you about that?"

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