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Welcome and hope you all are well!
Their look👆👆.


Taehyung's polished black shoe clicked as he walked along the silent corridor, escorted by a pristinely dressed waitress. She stopped at the door 136, opened the door and showed Taehyung inside.

He stepped into the room, eyes taking in the black leather couch, a intricately carved wooden table. Next to it was a dining table, covered with a white cloth, and beautiful China, two wine glasses and was sporting two wooden chairs at the opposite ends.

"Mr Kim will be here any minute, Mr Kim. Please make yourself comfortable." Taehyung nodded, internally chuckling at how funny the sentence sounded because of the similiar names. But he managed to keep up his usual blank face as the waitress bowed and left.

He removed his coat and placed it on the stand. He stepped closer to the window whose royal blue curtains was pushed aside to reveal a view of the hotel's well maintained garden. They complimented the light blue walls well.

He turned his attention from the garden when he felt the door click. He looked back to see the handsome man he was here to see. The same waitress stood behind him.
"I hope you did not wait much" Kim Seokjin said as he took in the arrangements of the room.

"Not really" Taehyung replied standing with his hands in his pocket. Seokjin turned towards the waitress, nodding at her and dismissed her.

Seokjin extended his hand "Kim Seokjin"
Taehyung raised his eyebrows but went with it and took Jin's hand in a firm grip "Kim Taehyung"

Seokjin smiled softly when Taehyung went along with his small game and gave a curt nod to him. "We can talk while we eat" Seokjin said as he gestured towards the table. Taehyung smirked as he sat on one chair of the dining table."Straight to the point I see".

Seokjin shrugged as he occupied the other chair. Soon two waitresses came in wheeling in a trolley of their food. They placed it on the table. Rib eye steak on a bed of mashed potatoes and roasted asparagus. Typical but classy.

"I took the liberty of ordering for both of us. It is the best dish on my hotel's menu. We can order Korean as well." Seokjin said as he took hold of his knife.

Taehyung nodded "I have nothing against steak" He took a bite and nodded again "Excellent"

Seokjin smiled and resumed eating. A few minutes of silence only broken by the clanking of the knife against the plate until Seokjin decided to break it.

"I suppose you had a talk with your parents yesterday?"

Taehyung raised his eyebrows "I do not remember telling you that"

Seokjin chuckled at that as he dabbed at his lips using the napkin. "Considering how you reached out to me suddenly yesterday I guessed. Especially after I had to go through the same situation"

"Well" Taehyung said "No need for awkward explanations then." Seokjin nodded.

"Look, I am the rightful next CEO of the KTH enterprises. It has been my goal and I am not going to loose my one and only goal over some stupid arranged marriage. Even if it means my father is looking at me like a buisness deal"

Seokjin laughed his eyes sparkling "Looks like our parents laid the same deal infront of us. No company if we don't Marry! Wonderful. But you see Mr Kim.... I'll call you Mr Taehyung. I feel like I am talking to myself."

Taehyung nodded his head as an amused smile graced his lips.

"So" Seokjin continued "You see Mr Taehyung, I am not interested in my father's company. Though he insists that I must take care of it next"

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